Please share the lyrics of this song, sorry I don't speak English, and I did a good job for a remix.
I would like to understand to better express my ideas, remix ready and mastered.
Wait I understand you correctly, can I create an original mix with your voice and upload it to my youtue channel, spotify, itunes and etc?
Really? I'll download it, as soon as I complete this project I'll leave a link here for you to listen to, it's a pleasure to produce this song, my name is, Paulo Borges or (BRAVEI)
I loved the tone of this woman, she sings very well, I did some improvisations with my favorite VSTs and managed to achieve a good result, I hope you all like it.
This is my first project with Reggae style :)
My Mix:
Hello Ashes and Dreams, I have a question, I can really download, produce and release officially, of course respecting the rules, for example, Bravei - Heat Down Low feat. Ashes and Dreams?
on Coming Home by scotteguff
on How To Loot Brazil - Dropkick The Sun - Acapella by HowToLootBrazil
on Out Of Time by mike0112
I would like to understand to better express my ideas, remix ready and mastered.
on What Was it All For by Maximus238
Really? I'll download it, as soon as I complete this project I'll leave a link here for you to listen to, it's a pleasure to produce this song, my name is, Paulo Borges or (BRAVEI)
on T R Y by FullCapicityMuzic
This is my first project with Reggae style :)
My Mix:
on Mula - From Neptune to Earth by mulaoff
on Heat Down Low - lead vocals by ashesanddreams
on Military Zone by FarishaMusic
on Beneath My Skin Snippet by FarishaMusic
on Rewind Snippet by FarishaMusic
on Stepa K - Shadow Acapella by paaschefredrik
on Like That by mike0112
on Sambleezy - Money Wont Hurt You by SamboBeatz