I Love itt,,
Ima use a midi controller and mess with it for background vocals, but i think i might actually use that as a hook too...ill deff let you know when im donee, good looks tho
imma use some heavy editing(blurring, compression, mayb reverseing) on this for background vocals soo i doubt youll know its you loll..but ima use itt:D
look for a song titled StArS, it gonna have me on the first verse, smartmoufs pella on verse 2(he sent me it before he put it up haha), nd idk if theres gonna be a verse 3, but; if you like the song, we would work together antime
on Wish u were here by Fit2live05
on Troubled by TheG1t
on Anybody Else by BranniMikal
Ima use a midi controller and mess with it for background vocals, but i think i might actually use that as a hook too...ill deff let you know when im donee, good looks tho
on End of the road by ChauncyChancez
on You Will Never See Me Down by YoungWisdom
on Sample of my Voice by agerkurd
on Ready For You (Hook) by ImDangerous