Ohmigod, you've got such a cute voice, I didn't expect it.
This is sweet and catchy, I wouldn't want to autotune it for anything.
Please make more ahaha, it's got such a Regina Spektor-ish vibe to it.
what a beautiful voice.
something about your acapella songs, they remind me of regina spektor. like..clean melodies, awesome high notes...a sort of inquisitive feel, too.
anyhow. another great acapella.
how'd you get that sound? i really dig it.
on that note: not a particular fan of this considering the words are as you said random, but i can tell you've got potential for some nice loops. especially here, people eat that electric vibe up, lol. keep it up.
Just some auto tuning and layering up of the vocal tracks, then some compression and warm EQing. If people want some I can make them but they need to tell me what they want! lol Also if you tune the very same vocal track but change all the pitches you get a very vocoder-sih sound which is probably what makes the sound you're looking for!
you have this cool old-style swing to your voice. it's awesome, makes me think of that soul bump that outkast and other musicians have in their music.
great voice, also. ;P
it's so hard to find something like that around here. it's more the dance scene, yanno.
i'm not sure if i can do anything to it, but i can try. great voice, by the way.
in a sense it kind of sounds cute, but i don't know how i feel about it. it definitely isn't blues-- the original is, but this is more of an indie take on it.
you should probably mention that this isn't a song you wrote, considering people are eyeing up the lyrics. ;)
on Nice to meet you by MeganONeill
This is sweet and catchy, I wouldn't want to autotune it for anything.
Please make more ahaha, it's got such a Regina Spektor-ish vibe to it.
on Home Before Dark by AngelaSheik
it's so..innocent and adventurous sounding.
on Rest A Cappella 6-8-11 by AngelaSheik
something about your acapella songs, they remind me of regina spektor. like..clean melodies, awesome high notes...a sort of inquisitive feel, too.
anyhow. another great acapella.
on Expectations 6-21-11 by AngelaSheik
her voice is so cute. ahaha.
on Emotions pella by WithoutMyArmor
on that note: not a particular fan of this considering the words are as you said random, but i can tell you've got potential for some nice loops. especially here, people eat that electric vibe up, lol. keep it up.
on 4 a reason by APZee
on When Im Alive Im still Dead by GRAVEFLOWERS
on Troubled by TheG1t
great voice, also. ;P
on Dream of a Gypsy by outofeden
i'm not sure if i can do anything to it, but i can try. great voice, by the way.
on Chant by outofeden
on WAITED FOR Acapella by TheLB900
on Make You Feel My Love by brittanylauren
you should probably mention that this isn't a song you wrote, considering people are eyeing up the lyrics. ;)
on Standing On My Own Two by HimNameMista
on Breathe by FarishaMusic