Until recently, pumpkin spice was completely unknown to me.
But Google can quickly help you in such cases. Pumpkin isn't really my thing, ever since my mother tried to give me pumpkin as a pineapple compote when I was a toddler (I've never touched pumpkin again to this day, I get sick just thinking about pumpkin), but your intoned pumpkin spice makes fun!
That’s really "dumb"! Whereby "dumb" here stands for "really great", because – strange enough, but it is actually the case – when "dumb" reaches a certain level, so to speak, super-dumb, it goes beyond the "dumb" category and transforms itself too "really great".
on Yesly by Nightingale
I used this Acapella and two others of yours here:
Many thanks to you!
on Elina Milan - New mix - russian jingle by ElinaMilan
I used your Acapella here:
Many thanks to you!
on Pumpkin Spice - Feat Alicatt by Alicatt
Until recently, pumpkin spice was completely unknown to me.
But Google can quickly help you in such cases. Pumpkin isn't really my thing, ever since my mother tried to give me pumpkin as a pineapple compote when I was a toddler (I've never touched pumpkin again to this day, I get sick just thinking about pumpkin), but your intoned pumpkin spice makes fun!
That’s really "dumb"! Whereby "dumb" here stands for "really great", because – strange enough, but it is actually the case – when "dumb" reaches a certain level, so to speak, super-dumb, it goes beyond the "dumb" category and transforms itself too "really great".
Keep doing such "dumb" things!
Gladly heard!
Best regards
on You have come by Ratsouk
I would be happy if you like your Acapalla "You Have Come" in this combination.
Many thanks and many greetings to you