Obrigado por partilhares! Talvez consiga fazer algo housey... Talvez... Mas caso tenha feito algo partilho o ficheiro e o link. Fica bem e obrigadão ;)
Hi! i love the sound and the message... I will try to make something housey with non comercial use intention. But if you want we can talk later about that. Until next time, maybe in a couple a weeks ahead... Stay fine and thanks for sharing the vocals ;)
on Twisted Rhyme Flex by Excavationpro
on Something In The Water - Verse and Drop by Mikamik
on Its Not Easy by Bearsly
on Em Plena Luz do Luar by Guineer
Obrigado por partilhares! Talvez consiga fazer algo housey... Talvez... Mas caso tenha feito algo partilho o ficheiro e o link. Fica bem e obrigadão ;)
on Ever Since by Rycon
on This is normal by Shaman77