what the hell? how do you think you can try and steal a marilyn manson song, and get away with it?ITS MARILYN MANSON FOR F*** SAKE!! what is wrong with you, you didnt think anyone would notice? you kinda people are scum, stealing from real musicians not cool man, im ashamed to be apart of the same fanbase as you
bin readin the descriptions you wrote n i thought this must be a parody rapper...worth a listen..no it wasnt, do ppl like you actually exist? bit of advice stop listenin to 50 cent and get original, no one cares that you got 'game' that kind of attitude is a novelty n so will you be if you carry on in the arrogant genre that 'gangsta rap' although there is a glimmer of hope in that nonsense you call an acapella, think of somethin new dont be one of the thousands doin the same bull, peace
on NothinUCanDo2 by APZee
on Welcome to the Madness by Dinty
on Welcome to the Madness by Dinty
on emackulate by new5ense
on Grandmas Boys Robot by CalifKen
on 4 as long as i live by chriscarter
on Laying Love On the Table by MariahSade
on This Is The New * ( original version ) by juok
on emackulate by new5ense
opinion. Second of all i dont give a fuc cant you tell?