

Dallas, United States
Joined : 12th Aug 2007 - 17 years ago
harold5187 comments on acapellas

harold5187 has posted 9 comments on other peoples acapellas.

Comments (9)
harold5187 24th Jan 2011 15:14 - 14 years ago

on Omnia Vincet Amor by Writenow921
I agree with what everone else said, especially the dude that said, "Finally real spoken word, and not some 30 second thang someone thought of while sitting on the crapper!", I thought that comment was so funny, I had to repeat it, cause anything I came up with would sound boring in comparison! Great job!
Writenow921 replied 25th Mar 2013 - 11 years ago
man i haven't been on this site in a while, but reading these comments has me really wanting to post another Spoken Word Piece on here
harold5187 24th Jan 2011 14:45 - 14 years ago

This is one of the best vocals I've heard so far, you have a lot of talent. Great job! I can tell you put your heart into it!
PALLASO replied Unknown
thanks alot
harold5187 14th Dec 2010 10:10 - 14 years ago

on Mirrorball - Who's the Fairest of the All by minette
This is so far, my best one that I've heard so far, be great to a darker song, with some drums, dark bass, and some depeche mode style synth. I picked up a bit of torry amos style in your voice, you are truely a talented vocalist, she hits some hard notes, but I'm willing to bet you could keep up with her!
harold5187 14th Dec 2010 09:47 - 14 years ago

on Sweat Continued by ToxicVoltage
The song is really great, has a lot of potential, your vocals are great, but I can hardly hear it over the instrumentals, which are too loud, or your voice too far in the background, I might suggest if you will to lower the instruments, and make your voice more known, BECAUSE it sounds like a song that Bjork would sing, picture her voice singing to this song, and see what thoughts you have after such a vision. You are capable, and talented and are probably one of the few girls that can pull it off correctly! Give it a try!
harold5187 14th Dec 2010 09:43 - 14 years ago

on In My Hands (I hold nothing) by minette
I was listening to an artist on here, named Holly, and her voice is really as exceptional as your own, and I would like if you have the time to listen to some of her stuff, and see if you and her can come up with something together, I'm sure it would be a total blast and unexpected, yet graceful suprise to the people on the website. You both have so much talent, be nice to combine it, and see what happens, never hurts to try!
harold5187 14th Dec 2010 09:39 - 14 years ago

on In My Hands (I hold nothing) by minette
Stunning vocals once again! I'm not too good with words, but wanted to drop another line in to tell you good job!
harold5187 14th Dec 2010 08:58 - 14 years ago

on Someone Please Save Me by alividlife
I can relate totally to the spirit in which it was sang. I used to be the same way, wanting to die, and stuff, but I learned a lesson, one of many, that the only person that can save you is you, because you are all that you have in this life, when everyone else will disappear, you will always remain true to yourself, so don't let yourself down.

In most cases life is lonely, not fun, really sucks, but the bright side, is, there is no bright side the more I think of it, so I suggest brighter lights, and find something to occupy your time, and send all of your pain to your music man, that's what I did with my pain, doesn't matter where it takes you, you'll probably arrive their alone anyway, but its not the finish line that counts sometimes, but the journey in which you find the lessons in life to be learned. Peace out!
harold5187 14th Dec 2010 08:56 - 14 years ago

on Writing About Love by FarishaMusic
You have a great voice! Keep it up!
harold5187 14th Dec 2010 08:48 - 14 years ago

on Time by Holly
You have an awesome voice, would like to hear it behind some music. Keep it up!
Comments (9)