Carmen i think i have a a track that is going to be loved in Spain.
Beacause it is going to be a hit i cant place my work on this public site.You can mail me,The email you can find at my profile because its not allowed to post it in this chat.
Regards K
Hello new5SENSE i am a componist and would love to use youre voice in sommen instrumental numbers that i have made.
Can you email me so i can ask you a few questions in private.
on Sin Sentido by CarmenLaPuerta
Beacause it is going to be a hit i cant place my work on this public site.You can mail me,The email you can find at my profile because its not allowed to post it in this chat.
Regards K
on Dont be scared - full pella by janis71
I am a componist and i discovered that somme songs fits perfectly in my notes but i have some questions for you;
mail me at
on Lost and Found by Dvickers
on 1st offense by new5ense
Can you email me so i can ask you a few questions in private.
on Kush and Dubstep part I by craigblackmoore
I am a componist and want to ask you to mail me so i can ask you a few questions in private about youre voice and my music notes;
on Party girl by Mrshammi
i am a componist and i want that you email me so i can ask you a few questions in private
on If you Don't Love Me by iez13
I am a componist and i dot want to let youre voice get wasted.
Can you email me so i can mail you in private