i have made a beat, and i used this in it, i will send it to you if u give me your e-mail, i am goiing to write to it, and hopefully record to it keep it up =) Much Love----Jay
nice loop T.V.Maybe someday,i will use it for my future songs.But....i need 2 or 3 loops who match with this one.I can't repeat this loop over and over again,you know...
That's PHat!! if you slowed it down it would sound like the last scene from close encounters of the third kind where the spaceship duels the hum keyboardist...sweet!!
on Hypersaw Trance Loop by ToxicVoltage
on Trance Piano Loop 1 by ToxicVoltage
on Piano Trance by ToxicVoltage
on Piano Trance 2 by ToxicVoltage
on Hypersaw Trance Loop by ToxicVoltage
on Piano Trance by ToxicVoltage
on Piano Trance by ToxicVoltage
let me know what you think of this song with your loop in it :P
its a good loop, i like it
on Piano Trance by ToxicVoltage
on Hypersaw Trance Loop by ToxicVoltage
on Trance Piano Loop 1 by ToxicVoltage
on Bass Loop by ToxicVoltage