Hey. I heard this and had an amazing idea in my head for it. I'll let you know how it turns out and link :D
Thank you for putting this up... allthough now looking, it was a few years ago!
it doesnt matter how u make the sound as long as it works ive heard of a hardstyle producer that recorded a basket ball bouncing then edited it a bit then wallah he had a rippin kick sample
Ahh good to no thers no secret way of makin a professional baseline no 1 wanted to tell me :) a basket ball eh it makes me wonder wot other crazy shit can make base
I dig this track, man. But there's this weird *shwia* sound in there a few times that sounds like you were having equipment troubles. Still good man. I let you listen when I'm done, ya?
*shwia* im not hearing it but i take ure word 4 it defintly girl, my equipment is well half arsed but its good to hear someone likes what i made, I should be able to upload the 'Wah' without no 'Thud' if u feel u would like to use it? Defintly send me what you did even if u dont finish it u sound like u know what your doin, Keep Ravin :)
on Happy Hardcore Base Line with Tonka Donk by Gregerz
on Happy Hardcore Kick and Kick Snare by Gregerz
on Thud Wah Thud Wah by Gregerz
Thank you for putting this up... allthough now looking, it was a few years ago!
on Thud Wah Thud Wah by Gregerz
on Thud Wah Thud Wah by Gregerz