yo i used this loop, the finished beat is on my page i called it Down South Posted. I think its nice but it could be better if i could get individual pieces like piano, synth, etc. If possible. Check It Out.
AHHHHH AGAN! HOW?! HOW ARE YOU DOING THIS? I wanted to use that PoiZone Synthesizer to make a loop but it sounded bad, you used it and made it sound so good!I have to better...Thank you for uploading this i will learn from how you make these songs.
AHHH! DAM AGAIN! YOU ARE THE BEST! YOU ARE THE BEST! YOU DID IT AGAIN! This is it! I have been waiting for a loop like this and here it is! This is going to be sick wait till i turn this into a song!
OH SNAP! THAT SICK AHHHH! YOU ARE THE BEST ON THIS WEBSITE! no offense to all viewers of this comment. STILL IAM SO USING THIS. Dam we need more people like you on this website...Oh Dam...I guess I cooled off now. Keep em comin.....Ps. Your the best ha that rhymes.
Wow! I'm really impressed by your drums, your on your way to be a hot producer if you keep pushin. Where can I can hear some full tracks if you have any. You can hear mine at www.beatsbyvsmoove.com
Hi thanks it would be really helpful if you tell us what kind of Piano, Sytrus sound, kicks and hi hats you used. Simply just write sound names you used because we are using FL Studio too it would be really really helpful Thank You very much! Good Luck with your loops :)
what up? heard this synth and immediately went and laid down a track around it. I just uploaded it, should be the 1st track on my profile....if not, you should be able to figure out which one it is fairly easily.....let me know what ya think. thanks for the inspiration.
on Craziness by KillaKeishh
on Solo beat by KillaKeishh
on Solo beat by KillaKeishh
on Random Keys by KillaKeishh
on Synthia by KillaKeishh
on PoiZone Synth by KillaKeishh
great loop anyway!
on Solo beat by KillaKeishh
on Solo beat by KillaKeishh
on Quick Drum Beat by KillaKeishh
on Quick Drum Beat by KillaKeishh
on Aye Jerk Drums by KillaKeishh
on PoiZone Synth by KillaKeishh
on Arpeggio Pitched by KillaKeishh
on Tangerine Strings by KillaKeishh
on Cube Synth with Pizzi and Bass by KillaKeishh
on Aye Jerk Drums by KillaKeishh
on Trumpet Dance by KillaKeishh
on Crying Cubes by KillaKeishh
on Quick Drum Beat by KillaKeishh
on Low and High Pitched Bass by KillaKeishh
on Low and High Pitched Bass by KillaKeishh
on Solo beat by KillaKeishh
on Solo beat by KillaKeishh
on PoiZone Synth by KillaKeishh
on Layered Strings by KillaKeishh