Hi BazNY845, thanks for the sample. Maybe I'm going it to use for a Hard Techno production. If so I will send you a Spotify link when it is ready, greetings Psychedelicdonny
I have had several people send me the wonderful music they made with this loop and all of my loops,I checked your profile,no loops,no tracks..empty..but a big mouth..Pahtrk..change your name to Pathetic Pahtrk..ciao
I have trouble with the bpm, my DAW says it's at 174 but your post says 120, and I noticed that if I make it 7 bars long instead of 8, the whole loop is really well quantized at 152 bpm. Just wanted to know what it's meant to be since I really like the loop and want to use it, Cheers!
on 90s Metal Guitar Loop by BazNY845
on Falling Delay Acoustic Guitar Loop by BazNY845
on Sonic boom guitar riff by BazNY845
can we contact to do that?
on Sonic boom guitar riff by BazNY845
thank you !!
on Lullaby Delay Acoustic Guitar by BazNY845
on Sonic boom guitar riff by BazNY845
thank you !! good guitar sample
on Dreamy Delay Guitar by BazNY845
on Moon Shadow Acoustic Guitar by BazNY845
on Lullaby Delay Acoustic Guitar by BazNY845
on Lullaby Delay Acoustic Guitar by BazNY845
nice guitar!
on spanish style acoustic guitar by BazNY845