Yo this is one of the most beautiful guitar loops I've heard in a long time. Actually blows my mind. I was having a conversation in my head and I told myself to shut up just to hear this lol.
Oh my god, I need to comment again! You are an amazing artist, seriously! I discovered your loop 15 minutes ago, and this just touches my heart in an other level! :)
Wow I love this! Btw is it okay if I use this, and even potentially (maybe) publish a song using your, this, guitar loop? It's amazing! I'm still an amateur music producer with no listeners but I'll surely give you the credit and the split of the profit you wish.
on such a waste - lil peep midwest emo - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on trenches - rod wave pain guitar - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
Super talented dude.
on setback - lil peep x emo rap - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on setback - lil peep x emo rap - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on such a waste - lil peep midwest emo - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
beautiful sample
on such a waste - lil peep midwest emo - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
Thanks for the sample, it's amazing
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
Here is my track:
on such a waste - lil peep midwest emo - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
Thanks so much for this!
on such a waste - lil peep midwest emo - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
Love the loop, thanks
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
Thank you so much my friend ! :)
This loop is featured in:
Track 13 - Moonlight
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
amazing bro
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on red eyes - lil peep x juice wrld - prodcxrter by prodcxrter
on Juice WRLD x Iann Dior Piano Loop by prodcxrter
on Juice WRLD x Iann Dior Piano Loop by prodcxrter
on Detroit x Chicago Drill Piano Loop by prodcxrter
on lil peep x emo rap sad guitar loop by prodcxrter
on lil peep x emo rap sad guitar loop by prodcxrter
on lil peep x emo rap sad guitar loop by prodcxrter
on lil peep x emo rap sad guitar loop by prodcxrter