THIS IS SO GOOD. I'll be using it in one of my dub songs.. follow .. I should have it up within the next few days (hopefully)
Oh good, I thought it was just my headphones or something, because they all panned left. But besides that, really awesome riff's!!! They kind of have an epic sound to them, along with just some really good thrashing. Keep it up! Thanks a lot for the loop!
i listened to 4 riffs. all of them kick. they all seem to be panned hard left. is that intentional. some back and forth panning might add interest. presence of sound might be improved. seems a bit muffled? peace
To much dismay (and research) I have recently discovered that my 1/4 to 1/8 adapter is mono!! I am so mad about this and apologize. For future recordings I will save the file, halve their decibels, and set one to each side.
I have recently found out my jack is mono, and have been researching ways to correct this issue, but I have yet to find a way, so for further files, I will save it, halve the volumes, and set one for each side.
on Are You Ready by Therash
on Riff 1 by Therash
on Are You Ready by Therash
on Are You Ready by Therash
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on Riff 9 by Therash
on Riff 1 by Therash
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on Riff 9 by Therash
on Riff 9 by Therash
on Riff 9 by Therash
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