I use your totally awesome work here: https://youtu.be/nJnn-7GOBXY Thank You for making such flawless and epic material available! You rock! Please never stop doing this! -Bill Cowart of A69 (Looks like I can't get enough of this loop!)
Thanks so much for the feedback. that means alot to me that you took time to listen to OUR creation. and thanks for letting me use the sample. you keep up the good work as well my friend.
Good job! Nice way of putting the sounds together! I like how you put a filter in parts of the beat! I think it would go great with the right artist too! Keep up the good work!
Thanks cnredagain i appreciate it and i checked out your beat. I liked how the beat was composed and the sounds all blended well together. Very original and stylish track, so keep up the good work!
on Hardbody Trap Drum Loop Part 1 by mixaman
on Hardbody Trap Drum Loop Part 2 by mixaman
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on Hardbody Trap Drum Loop Part 1 by mixaman
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on Storm Eagle Remixx Charang part 3 by mixaman
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on Sickness Drum Loop Part 1 by mixaman
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