Preset? Do you mean midi file? If you give me your email i send it to you. Mine is jeroentia@ You can use it for wathever you want. Succes with mixing. If i can help with something let me know. Greetz
Man that sound is awesome but its 3 bars.. and actually its just the basic drum , members already uploaded (stuff like this) . And it says in the ´´Looperman How to make a loop´´ that a loop should be 2, 4 or 8 bars :). So keep up dat gd work but fix little things like the number of bars :) the black lines on the loopwindow is gd to check if ur loop is well : The black line is the kick in 4 bar loops .. Sorry for my comment, I like this sound and i want to help u get more DL´s ;)
why thank you, its actually just a saw noise
theres six saws turned on with 6 unison voices and 32 poly
the freq knobs are set from top to bottem 0 / 1.28 / 2.06
the reverb is on low volume.
i was trying to get three notes or keys at once for a like chord sound(i think thats what its called), when i started it was all 3 notes at once then i moved some around and i thought it sounded cooler like this
Lol Skeiz ur the best Dubstep producer here on Looperman! Fuckin AMAZING!! U should try to find ur own style and produce Drop loops cuzz ur loops are awesome! Keep up your good work!
on EDM Synth Riser by TheOfficialMagik
on Trap Drumloop with Bass by enzoguibbani
on Vocal of Animals by DataError
on hard trap synt by jeroentia
on EGYPT by iammodus
on House Piano by TheOfficialKatechism
on FILTHY SCREAMS by iammodus
on TRAP DRUM WITH SUB by Abilify
Drum hab ichs upgeloaded
on Dynamic Punch by Skeiz
on XyIlent - Flowing Piano by XyIlent
on TRAP drumloop by kristijann
on Fast Drums by AlexisSofield
on Skrillex style Drums by WhoAteDaMuffin
on Skrillex style Drums by WhoAteDaMuffin
on upbeat by buffalonugaluss
theres six saws turned on with 6 unison voices and 32 poly
the freq knobs are set from top to bottem 0 / 1.28 / 2.06
the reverb is on low volume.
i was trying to get three notes or keys at once for a like chord sound(i think thats what its called), when i started it was all 3 notes at once then i moved some around and i thought it sounded cooler like this
on Terror Fairsquad Step by Skeiz
on Are You Ready For The Ruffneck Bass by Skeiz
I do already have I style that I'm sticking with and it's really quite relaxed melodic EDM.
I just produce dubstep drops for looperman because it's fun and I don't make my tunes as heavy as my loops!
on The H2O Project - How to Kill some Zombies - Drop by Abilify
Musst dir die Drum auch ziehen, is relativ hart, damit zu arbeiten c;
Viel Spaß.
on HIP HOP DRUMBEATz by kristijann
on TRAP DRUMBEAT by kristijann
on Skrill-Faker- Hot Drum by SkrillFakes
on Deadmau5 I Remember Chords LOW FQ by digitalSKYY
on TimmyDarkside - Android Porn Remix - Strings by Abilify
on Under the snow by Danke