Thank you for your work- this percussion loops sparks composition ideas for me- hopefuly i'll get time to produce something - will id your credit , and again , thanks
YO ALEX, I WANTED TO SAY THANK YOU and admired , your very fine loops. i'm grabbing a few, and if i use any of your loop in a production, I will surely ID your credit and i will send you a heads up. But , who knows, maybe Biden and all the politasses will turn the world to mush before i can make another song. lol.
hey Polimar- was hunting thru looperman trying to find a few loops that just had the magic spark to catch sense, and inspire production possibilities. Ran into a loop from you ,, ace, chased up your name, and really happy, grabbing several of your loops. if i make any productions using your loops, i'll send you heads up and happy to state your credit. thank you , Shane
you've done a lot of really fine work in these drum loops. Thanks agaain, and , i hope to do some projects using stuff you've done. Most of my music is in the rock genre, but, wanting to expand into Deep House kinda. LOL, it would by my own unique cross-breed of Rock-Deep House.
hey , hi. I grabbed several of your percussion loops. Thanks much for creating and sharing. Hopefully time will allow me to do some projects with it. And i'll try to make sure and put credit and link to you wherever your stuff is used. Shane
on HY Deep House Drums 5 by harunyildizmusic
on Robin Schulz Style Drums 01 Kick by iamalexcaspian
on Linn Drum LM1 80 style 1 by POLIMAR
Thanks to you my friend
on AC1 120 BPM DEEP HOUSE DRUMS CLAP MIX 1 by iamalexcaspian
on 120 BPM DEEP HOUSE DRUMS 02 FULL by iamalexcaspian
on 120 BPM DEEP HOUSE DRUMS 03 CLAP by iamalexcaspian
on Basic Deep House Beat by juttumoose
on kick and hats - easy by tabaksbladunion
on 99soul drum loop by kerzoHUN