Love the loop. I hope you don't mind i used your loop and added some tracks to it. Have a listen. Let me know what you think. I uploaded the track its called "Prodigal Electric by BradoSanz feat. BeatwerxsStudios".
Great loop danke! I already downloaded it and want to add a phat drum beat and bass line. Should have something by Friday or Saturday, then I'll put it up. Awesome brutha. Keep up the great work!
on Synth Sequence 2 by Rasputin
on Prodigal - Electric Guitar by BradoSanz
Love the loop. I hope you don't mind i used your loop and added some tracks to it. Have a listen. Let me know what you think. I uploaded the track its called "Prodigal Electric by BradoSanz feat. BeatwerxsStudios".
on Walk like by Danke
Thanx for those words, Danke