Phantom (Ghost who walks).."What drums say Guran?"
Guran(Chief of the Pygmy Bandar people).."They say those purple tights you wear make Phantom look gay.".....(believe it or not I'm a self proclaimed Phantom expert..old school though,non of the present bastardised rubbish!"..for instance where does the infamous poison used by the Pygmy Bandar in their blow pipes come from?.....the Banga vine!!!....damn I'm raving,gotta be those stuff man!
it was more to do with the tweaking that was applied afterwards, that makes it sound so good... (I'm blowing my own trumpet here, but i worked hard on this, and I think the results show... :) ) BTW, feel free to use this as you see fit...
Pretty cool groove dude!...I'm just glad the kid next door got over his drum kit stage...I told him he had no rhythmic vision and should take up a dulcimer (the quietest instrument I could think of!) lol...cheers Dave
on Cajon drum loop 5 by SLAPJOHNSON
Guran(Chief of the Pygmy Bandar people).."They say those purple tights you wear make Phantom look gay.".....(believe it or not I'm a self proclaimed Phantom expert..old school though,non of the present bastardised rubbish!"..for instance where does the infamous poison used by the Pygmy Bandar in their blow pipes come from?.....the Banga vine!!!....damn I'm raving,gotta be those stuff man!
Cheers, Slap...
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