hey there, I made a short rap song using your guitar loop, you can check it on youtube here : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSbrrhqDXRw&feature=youtu.be
you should leave me a comment or something to tell me what you think of it :) thank you!
maybe we could collaborate sometime if you think im any good
- Manny
I made a rap song using your guitar loop, you should give it a listen and leave feedback, its on youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2QGPKoFLDY by the way I made another rap song using one of your other guitar loops I will give you a post on it. I would love to collaborate with you sometime to make more if you feel up for it! :)
- Manny
on Ugly Kids 90bpm D by Megapaul
you should leave me a comment or something to tell me what you think of it :) thank you!
maybe we could collaborate sometime if you think im any good
- Manny
sorry for my late reply.
I like both songs !
In case I am looking for some vocals sometimes I will defently contact you
on Formid able 90bpm Am by Megapaul
- Manny