Hey you play like my pops you hit home with your work can you do some live bass tracks to add substance to my hip hop alternative tracks?
Are you familiar with the ending song in Bettlejuice "Daylight coming and I want to go home, 6ft, 7ft, 8ft, punch"
Mock the rhythm with chords and violin, make it dark but bouncy
Hit me d.holman1@icloud.com
You are a straight steel balls savage on the keys your samples are feeding the beast within me hey I'm a beast tyrant eBay you and me MR.Funktastic and eBay would devastate on beats no joke
Reverbnation.com/tkdav there is a lot of almost everyone's work from here
On my song list I have about 70 songs on my page 40 of them Just released this year I'm making music till Nibiru collides....AlbietOne
on Black Out by 40A
on Pretty Funk Bass 76 by zipbass
on Simple Chords by Vlalys
Mock the rhythm with chords and violin, make it dark but bouncy
Hit me d.holman1@icloud.com
on Simple Chords by Vlalys
Reverbnation.com/tkdav there is a lot of almost everyone's work from here
On my song list I have about 70 songs on my page 40 of them Just released this year I'm making music till Nibiru collides....AlbietOne
on Tellum drum line 70bpm by ebaby8119
on SlowCruisinBeat by JDOT2006