For more width and depth I like to triple channels... one left, one center, one right- Then eq each one until the combined sound is balanced and where you like it-
thx... Nice to read this.
If I would be able to play the whole loop at once, I would be talented.
This loop contain just 3 simple Guitar tracks played by me.
I still feel not far away from 'House of the Rising Sun'-Level. :)
If anything I do inspires I would love to hear it!
I have really really been enjoying these "audio sketches"... it's soo much more manageable and awesome hearing something come back and sound WAY different than I imagined it.
on tiny treat 155 by sushilbawa
on Montego Groove by Rasputin
on GodGang by kookpony
on Trap Drum NEED UR HELP by Samirry
on Synth wise man says 130 by Dj4Real
on Background Music by lewisxgeary
on radiotone keys 155 by sushilbawa
on Drums Dirty Boom Bap Hip Hop 98 by JiemUnder
on Pope La belle 110bpm Eminor by Megapaul
on Hm-A-85bpm-4bars by Megapaul
If I would be able to play the whole loop at once, I would be talented.
This loop contain just 3 simple Guitar tracks played by me.
I still feel not far away from 'House of the Rising Sun'-Level. :)
on Metal Guitar Loop 2 by Glocke
on Madness 1 by Edge7
on BCS Bass Clap Synth by Lionel422
on Birthday of the Gods 120 by alividlife
If anything I do inspires I would love to hear it!
I have really really been enjoying these "audio sketches"... it's soo much more manageable and awesome hearing something come back and sound WAY different than I imagined it.
I will keep kicking ass fer sure.
on Buddhist Beat 01 by Rewinding
Ryan aka DJ Wunda
on Fat Beat by breo
on Electro Orchestra by Planetjazzbass