

Exotique Ethnic Heart Sounds
Rheinau, Germany
Joined : 24th Oct 2014 - 10 years ago
jensmuse comments on loops

jensmuse has posted 12 comments on other peoples loops.

Comments (12)
jensmuse 20th Jan 2015 21:59 - 10 years ago

on No more goodbyes 01 by Fayz
Hi Fayz, thank you for this loop, helped me a lot to use it for my photo video show of my last visit to Egypt. In the temple of upper Egypt this vocal was fitting very nice.
Here is my new youtube video, you can hear you several times allways when the pictures of the temple appear.
Here is my second video of my Egypt Impressions:

This is the link of my first travel video of Nile Impressions:
jensmuse 20th Jan 2015 21:57 - 10 years ago

on in the beginning by Fayz
Hi Fayz, thank you for this loop, helped me a lot to use it for my photo video show of my last visit to Egypt. In the temple of upper Egypt this vocal was fitting very nice.
Here is my new youtube video, you can hear you several times allways when the pictures of the temple appear.
Here is my second video of my Egypt Impressions:

This is the link of my first travel video of Nile Impressions:
jensmuse 20th Jan 2015 21:44 - 10 years ago

on persian gulf by hamood
Hi hammood, I really like this loop and the catching rhythm.
I just have published my new video and used this loop for my Egypt Travel Song which I composed for my photo-video show of Impressions of my visit during a Nile cruising.
So you can listen 3 times how I used your loop in my music.
Thank you for sharing. link to youtube:
I also used your loops in my first travel video of a Nile Cruise, if you like you can watch and hear this also:
jensmuse 5th Jan 2015 13:23 - 10 years ago

on No more goodbyes 02 - Magic night by Fayz
Very good athmospheric loop. Thanks a lot! It was fitting great for my travel movie of Egypt Nile cruise and I used it for the temples in Luxor and Karnak. You can listen to your music 3 times: 6:30 to 8:11 and again at 12.53 minutes.
jensmuse 5th Jan 2015 13:14 - 10 years ago

on in the beginning by Fayz
Very good athmospheric loop. Thanks a lot! It was fitting great for my travel movie of Egypt Nile cruise and I used it for the temples in Luxor and Karnak. You can listen to your music 3 times: 6:30 7:09 12.53 minutes.
My brother told me he got goose pimples when he listened to your vocal singing.
jensmuse 5th Jan 2015 13:10 - 10 years ago

on No more goodbyes 01 by Fayz
Very good athmospheric loop. Thanks a lot! It was fitting great for my travel movie of Egypt Nile cruise and I used it for the temples in Luxor and Karnak. You can find your music in my video 3 times: 6:30 7:09 12.53 minutes.
jensmuse 5th Jan 2015 13:04 - 10 years ago

on operame high by Fayz
Very good athmospheric loop. Thanks a lot! It was fitting great for my travel movie of Egypt Nile cruise and I used it for the temples in Luxor and Karnak. You can listen to your music 3 times: 6:30 7:09 12.53 minutes.
jensmuse 5th Jan 2015 12:34 - 10 years ago

on Acoustic delay by hamood
Thanks for this loop, I used it for my movie of Travel Impressions in Egypt on my new youtube video:
you can find your track at 15:45 minutes.
jensmuse 2nd Jan 2015 17:17 - 10 years ago

on Pentatonic Shaku Atmo by PsychotropicCircle
Thank for this athmospheric Sounds which was just great to start a music intro of my video of a fireshow in Egypt.
Here you get a glimpse of it:
jensmuse 2nd Jan 2015 16:08 - 10 years ago

on Ethnic Combination 98 by PsychotropicCircle
Very good ethnic combination rhythm. I keep this in mind for my next music projects. Thanks a lot.
jensmuse 2nd Jan 2015 15:57 - 10 years ago

on Mixed Choir Ensemble Fm112 by PsychotropicCircle
Thanks a lot for this loop. I have used your loop for a fire show movie which I have recorded in Egypt. You find your music at the beginning of my youtube video.
jensmuse 15th Dec 2014 01:32 - 10 years ago

on Dulcimer Dream by TheSavage
Thanks for your loop which I like because of the progression of chords and the sound of Dulcimer, a bit soft touch and with a nice moving of the rhythm.
I used your loop in a video which I just have made on youtube.
I made a mix of different loops from looperman users. It has become mucic background for a Fireshow which I have recorded in November 2014 in Safaga in Egypt. You find your loop at the end of the 2 minute video together with a mix of looperman user psychotropic cĂ­rcle.
Here is the link to my youtube video:
Wish you good inspirations for the future.
Regards Jens Egert / jensmuse
Comments (12)