well...I'm not sure what "details" are being updated. And I'm not sure what "I was updating my loop because i thought that had stucking" means (in the response to MINOR2GO).
But yes, new stuff is good. You have a nice sound, I've listened to your tracks. Just silly to hear the same loop for 2 months straight.
Whoops, it meant to say FL 8 XXL - ( good catch ). I've been bouncing back and forth between the 2 softwares as of lately and accidentally typed out the wrong one, sorry. Thanks for checking out my stuff though, appreciate it. There will be more, so keep checking back.
on Getter style - basses by Avenhyl
on Heavy Dubstep Bass by MAGGIK
on Read Description Please by iammodus
And if people look into it enough they can re-make patches to some pretty good accuracy (if not almost 100% accuracy).
on loops piano by HaraLuu1666
on Raptor by Skeiz
on Hip Hop Organ by Lopezboss
If you use this loop in a track that you eventually release you may as well find a good lawyer right after.
This loop is a sample of Everyday I'm Huslin'.
Check it on youtube (notice what you hear at about 0:07...that's the part of the song they used for this loop): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX6kI0bXryE
on Dubstep Bass And Wobble Loop by NecroShadow
I have the sound library this loop came from. You didn't make it.
Either pull the loop or I'll forward this to have your account suspended.
on Sinthetic - Insane Dubstep Guitar Layered Synth by madeen
on Wobble Dirty Bass by Error647
But yes, new stuff is good. You have a nice sound, I've listened to your tracks. Just silly to hear the same loop for 2 months straight.
on Wobble Dirty Bass by Error647
This was a cool loop...when I heard 2 months ago.
If there has been any update to the loop, it is extremely minimal and updating it/re-uploading seems to be quite pointless.
Nothing wrong with the loop, it's got a great sound. But it's time for something new (rather than updating the same loop over and over).
i update the details. . .
Well, anyway i will upalod new stuff soon :)
on Rexxx - 1 by CalifKen
on AgitatedGrooveBeat by JDOT2006
on ParanoiaDubBeat by JDOT2006
J DOT ~ 2006
on Sweet memores by AidansTrance