very very flat and out of key- but you did a good job holding the notes.
try to find a key and hum to it and listen to how your voice vibrates with the note and practice with that.
sooner or later you will get much better.
for all you know I could literally be a label exec scouting for talent and you just crapped the bed in regards to anything like that. (i wish i could use emojis my goodness)
lol this kid. imagine actually coming here and crying "wAhHh wHo ArE YOu Do yOu EvEn prodUCe"
For your information little bro; Yes. I do produce. Infact that's *all i do*; who i am is none of your concern. don't get offended that I'm giving out advice. I've been doing this crap for almost 20 years
I literally work for a label.
This account is for me to find loops to micro sample.
why in the heck would I post anything for your validation when YOU'RE the one taking personal offense to something not even directed at you.
go sit in your little corner and cry homeboy. I aint got nothing else for you.
"i have been on here for 10 years"
look at my account's age, shawty.
I've been on this site alone for 8 myself.
As I stated prior I've been producing for nearly 2 decades.
"little ignorant person"
bro miss me with that holier than thou bs because you're literally crying over me telling someone their opinion was entirely subjective and that I didn't agree.
it clearly cut you deeeeep.
How about this: You learn to grow some skin and stop trying to get defensive and take PERSONAL OFFENSE to stuff that wasn't even directed at you.
You're clearly full of yourself. pipe down pipsqueak.
lol. You managed to get angry on your own. I'll let you have the last word if you want but don't get too upset lol. It's not good for your health. You must be really frustrated to get annoyed like that. I'm more important than you in life.
Please learn to use the genre tags.
The "drum and bass" genre tag is for the... again.. GENRE called D'n'B... NOT for loops that are drums with some bass to them.
But who are you? What do you produce? Who do you produce?? You give lessons without knowing what you are talking about. Here the loops are free so if you don't like it, then move on, little ignorant person. You must be really bored to post posts like that. You arrive today and you produce nothing and I have been here for 10 years. Go play marbles and scratch your sandbox.
on R-W 808 by chblyth
on Eclipse - Drum Loop by tubasny
on Silent Hill Bell - Mystery by AirJazz
on dreamy bells by twentyynine
every time we touch i do not enjoy this feeling
on areacalledbay - iamsu sagethegemini - Hoomie by Hoomie
on Eclipse - Drum Loop by tubasny
on Skypierr Type Drums by JacobiMcDaniels
on J Cole Hierarchy by EZCOOKEDIT
don't ever pick up a pan again!
(im kidding lmao its really creative)
on Vocal Sample by TERRNAL
try to find a key and hum to it and listen to how your voice vibrates with the note and practice with that.
sooner or later you will get much better.
on Sins Cubeatz x Lil Gnar Type by apello1
like the preset/microsampled sound itself. it's super flat lol.
on Nav X Drake Type Loop By Landsharkszn by landsharkszn
on Hard Cowbell by ToxicAel
on Herb House Bassline by techseeker
on Trap Drum Loop Hella FIRE by 2DProductions
on gunna type clap by cbbk
shawty its just a clap.
on Old Century Rave Stabs by tentabrobpy
on Strong Beat by Fanto8BC
on Strong Beat by Fanto8BC
For your information little bro; Yes. I do produce. Infact that's *all i do*; who i am is none of your concern. don't get offended that I'm giving out advice. I've been doing this crap for almost 20 years
I literally work for a label.
This account is for me to find loops to micro sample.
why in the heck would I post anything for your validation when YOU'RE the one taking personal offense to something not even directed at you.
go sit in your little corner and cry homeboy. I aint got nothing else for you.
"i have been on here for 10 years"
look at my account's age, shawty.
I've been on this site alone for 8 myself.
As I stated prior I've been producing for nearly 2 decades.
"little ignorant person"
bro miss me with that holier than thou bs because you're literally crying over me telling someone their opinion was entirely subjective and that I didn't agree.
it clearly cut you deeeeep.
How about this: You learn to grow some skin and stop trying to get defensive and take PERSONAL OFFENSE to stuff that wasn't even directed at you.
You're clearly full of yourself. pipe down pipsqueak.
on Detroit 210bpm type drum by KioKillThebeat
on Dark Drum Loop 510 by BBigShot
I need it with just the kick and then a loop with *just* the percs please
on Detroit 210bpm type drum by KioKillThebeat
sounds like you took a perc loop from a loop pack, and an 808 from that pack, and you just put them together.
Otherwise, the 808 would only compress the kick. lolol
on FLOW - Flex Break Bass by 4S4HEL
bro its like four notes and the patch itself is like a sine, a square and a saw with a few lfos on it. lmfaooo
on DnB x Dubstep drum loop by SkullyBeatz
on Strong Beat by Fanto8BC
no. not really. that's entirely subjective.
this loop is.. low key mid at best.
Please learn to use the genre tags.
The "drum and bass" genre tag is for the... again.. GENRE called D'n'B... NOT for loops that are drums with some bass to them.