bosemose, great stuff. listen mate, i made a track using your robot love loops and pads... i have noticed many people here downloaded and use it, which is something that you should be very proud of. I have used your your robot love samples for a serious project. i feel is only right to respect your work and promote you at the same time, by giving you the full credit that you highly deserve, so please can you inbox me or comment me your full real name for the credit, or do you prefer just bosemose?
interesting name, are you from Angola?
anyway, i have used your synth, its sick, thanks for uploading i will send you the link of my track when i finish mixing the track. thank you for uploading such a great synth.
@ Broadydudester, spot on...
Steinaa, did you actually made this? because it sounds like a band's melody...and if anyone here use it commercially oneday they can get sued you know that.
if you actually just did it on top of your head, well done to you... I really like it and I will try use it, if you don't mind that is
Awesome drums, can I use it?
and if I use it for promotional purpose I will credit you for the sample- but you won't get paid though lol. it should be in youtube in a couple of months
good going... i know this loop is very easy to make, but good on you mate
and yes, I know Biggie is not the original one, he copied off Mtume: Juicy Fruit, event the melody
hi pokerface06, i like your stuff, i might use some of your loops, and let you hear it. i was wondering if someone uses a sample here that sounds like any commercial song out there, can you get sued for copyright infringement?
one user here posted a loop like the ambition as a ridah by 2pac
I'm tempted to use it, but don't want no lawsuit against me lol.
anyway i been making beats on and off, due to being a daddy, my problem is that i can't play any instrument thus makes it harder for me to add the melody to the beat, hence i'm here
anyway good luck and i will post my loop when i complete. safe
These loops are royalty free so you have nothing to worry about there. No one has ownership of them. They are original. But if you come across a loop that is a remake such as "Ambitionz as a ridah" then that type of loop is loosely taken from an original melody. Whoever loaded that on here, shouldn't have. Other than that, you are free to use these loops for whatever you want....
on Drum loop 8 by Flxxg0d
i got the perfect melody in my mind already?
on Sad Voice Atmosphere by Mastercode
will credit you :)
on Funereal by Planetjazzbass
on Relax4AwhileBeat by JDOT2006
i will credit you if i use it
thanks man
on Robot love by bosemose
on Club Anthem Pop Comp by AliTurnMeUp
interesting name, are you from Angola?
anyway, i have used your synth, its sick, thanks for uploading i will send you the link of my track when i finish mixing the track. thank you for uploading such a great synth.
on dramatic saw 120 bpm by DUCE132
on Evil Cookie Lead by Steinaa
Steinaa, did you actually made this? because it sounds like a band's melody...and if anyone here use it commercially oneday they can get sued you know that.
if you actually just did it on top of your head, well done to you... I really like it and I will try use it, if you don't mind that is
peace out
on Freaktastic 140 by TheSavage
and if I use it for promotional purpose I will credit you for the sample- but you won't get paid though lol. it should be in youtube in a couple of months
on JUICY 80s HIP HOP DRUMLOOP by kaynine
and yes, I know Biggie is not the original one, he copied off Mtume: Juicy Fruit, event the melody
anyway here's my
leave a comment if you wish, i used some samples from here looperman
take care
yes Mtume , they had soem awesome hits in the 80s
on JUICY 80s HIP HOP DRUMLOOP by kaynine
have you done it from scratch???
from Obreheim DMX
B.I.G is not the original artist
on Horror synth 130 by RoseErin
on Dat Bassline by doug0102
on LA ISH 95BPM by ebaby8119
on War horns 90 bpm by Progressbeats5
will keep you posted, thanks for sharing
on Ryan Deshawn - End Of Story by Pokerface06
one user here posted a loop like the ambition as a ridah by 2pac
I'm tempted to use it, but don't want no lawsuit against me lol.
anyway i been making beats on and off, due to being a daddy, my problem is that i can't play any instrument thus makes it harder for me to add the melody to the beat, hence i'm here
anyway good luck and i will post my loop when i complete. safe
on The Goon Show - Pad 110bpm by fixxx3r