

Vancouver, Canada
Joined : 15th Sep 2008 - 16 years ago
CallMeKing comments on loops

CallMeKing has posted 43 comments on other peoples loops.

Comments 1 - 25 of 43
CallMeKing 17th Apr 2015 04:06 - 9 years ago

on Electro-House Synth Chords -3 by Nocturnax
This. This is what I am talking about. Absolutely amazing synth right here. I do agree with the other person who commented on removing the sidechain or filter that you put on it. I would keep the scratch but I would make a couple more versions of this synth. This is my favorite loop I have downloaded in quite a while. Good job man!
CallMeKing 9th Dec 2013 02:42 - 11 years ago

on Tonight-GuitarLeadRiff by bdenney
Simply amazing. I love the sound of the guitar you used in this loop. You did one hell of a good job on this loop.
CallMeKing 30th Jul 2013 01:58 - 11 years ago

on Disco Drum Loop 1 by Rickmassacre
A really good sounding Drum Loop. Love the kick used in it. And the nice thing about it is it can used in many different genres. Great job!
CallMeKing 12th Aug 2011 03:25 - 13 years ago

on Rockin Synth by OfficialEleX
Hey I really like your synths. This one has a good beat and can be used for many genres. All I gotta say is keep em coming!

CallMeKing 3rd Jun 2011 07:17 - 13 years ago

on Dead Plants Dubby Drum Beat by digitalSKYY
I don't know if I would call this dubstep... but it definitely has a nice beat. Nice work.
CallMeKing 12th Mar 2011 10:33 - 13 years ago

on Audiation 182 by alividlife
Sick loop alividlife. Love the slow drums and background effect. When all the loops come together it creates a nice sound. Also this kinda sounded more hip-hop to me but that could just be me aha. Anyways, keep doing your thing

alividlife replied Unknown
Hehe thanks!

Yeah.. I like.. just had an epiphany about this whole digital thing... I used to tour and do a lot of gigging.. And lately I haven't really been into the idea of just making tracks..

I miss that "synergy" or like.. when you get a lot of people making music together, and it's not what you expected? you know?

I love that man I bet it is very much hip-hoppish... I was soo going for chill-out.
If you lived next door I would just stick to the drum sticks and strings, and let the GROUP have a voice.

Hence, my sick loops for all for free forever.

Hah I trip myself out sometimes, basically what I mean is, if you use it, I would LOVE to hear it, and if you need anything specific, I would be happy to.
CallMeKing 3rd Feb 2011 09:19 - 14 years ago

on house strings long by djmothbeatz
Very nice synth loop. I love the fading in and out it does. Great job!
CallMeKing 2nd Feb 2011 02:55 - 14 years ago

on Synthetic by Therash
Love this synth. It almost sounds like hardstyle. Very intense and a good rhythm. Good job!
CallMeKing 23rd Jan 2011 15:39 - 14 years ago

on Lo-cut trance bass sq 5th clip distortion by KtA
Very nice bass loop. It has a nice sound to it and makes my floor shake like crazy aha. Great loop!
CallMeKing 21st Jan 2011 08:50 - 14 years ago

on grovin ol school by Dj4Real
Siiiick drum loop 4real. I like how it drops in certain places then comes back, would definitely add a nice effect. Great loop!

CallMeKing 14th Jan 2011 05:51 - 14 years ago

on Cube RnB Synth 1 by Alen9R
This synth loop is just nasty. I'm going to make a sick beat post it and send you the link. Keep doing your thing!

Alen9R replied Unknown
Hey CMK!
Thanks bro for comment and dl!

CallMeKing 10th Jan 2011 01:39 - 14 years ago

on tom tom house beat by Dj4Real
Siiick drum loop! completely rattles my floor, good job man!

CallMeKing 7th Jan 2011 08:37 - 14 years ago

on drumbeat setup 105 by Dj4Real
Such a beast drum loop 4Real! Kind of has a timbaland feel to it. Great loop man!

CallMeKing 1st Jan 2011 20:33 - 14 years ago

on skill by kosmin
One of the sickest synth loops on here. It's so hard not to use it because it sounds good on many different types of genre. Great job man, keep em coming!

CallMeKing 22nd Dec 2010 08:18 - 14 years ago

on Millionare Arp by BlaqhstarrMusic
Hey man I have no idea why no one has commented on this loop yet. Its perfectly done, it has so many nice elements to is. The pads in the background give a sick atmosphere. Great job.
BlaqhstarrMusic replied Unknown
I dont know, maybe some people just do not have time to review or they just want to snatch the loop and get all the credit or something.Thank you for being the first to review my loop.
CallMeKing 22nd Dec 2010 07:42 - 14 years ago

on Flow S by Alen9R
One of the sickest synths I've come across. It just makes you want to listen to it over and over. Great job!
Alen9R replied Unknown
Thank you for dl and comment,
I'm glad you like this loop!
CallMeKing 22nd Dec 2010 01:27 - 14 years ago

on The Randomiser by mhyst
This loops sounds like from the new movie Tron Legacy. For me it sounds kind of futuristic and a sick synth none of the less. Great job!
CallMeKing 20th Dec 2010 09:53 - 14 years ago

on S Synth by Lionel422
Loving this synth! It actually kind of has that Christmas vibe. And also can work as a nice effect with other synths. Great job with this one. And thanks for making a seperate loop!
Lionel422 replied Unknown
Glad you like it :)
CallMeKing 16th Dec 2010 00:12 - 14 years ago

on Epic Hardstyle Melody7 by HardstyleRythm
HR this is what I call hardstyle right here! This is a must download forsure!!! I'd be stupid not to use this synth aha so ill send ya the link when i'm done and acourse give you credit. Keep those hardstyle synths coming man.
HardstyleRythm replied Unknown
right right dude i can't wait what ya do with that sample here
CallMeKing 16th Dec 2010 00:09 - 14 years ago

on Keep running by Lionel422
Very sick sounding synth. It's scuttle but it still creates a nice atmosphere. Definitely going to use this one on my new track. Keep em coming!
Lionel422 replied Unknown
Thanks :)
CallMeKing 8th Dec 2010 04:05 - 14 years ago

on Baton Liverwurst by alividlife
Hey I love the style of this drum loop. The way at the end the bass goes higher for s second. it's sick!! Great loop man.

alividlife replied Unknown
Thanks man!

If you are using FL, there's a way to sample just a kick, and then on the value for "tune" you can change these up or down a notch.

I damn near exclusively use Ableton, and to do this, I play my drums, and then basically "resample" hits, and then also do some pretty crazy sampling...

But ultimately it's following a pattern of going -12 notes (an octave) and then a -7 (or lower 5th) and then a normal kick, and then on that last one that you like it's actually ... +3 (which is effectively the minor 3rd but actually sounds quite bright and punchy.)

Another really good one is the 2nd, but a whole note over the octave, it's a 9th.
Another really good soaring sound.

It's music theory plus drums.
CallMeKing 7th Dec 2010 21:36 - 14 years ago

on Running Synth by RoyaleMuzik
Hey man I love all your synths. There exactly my style. Thanks for this one, and keep em coming!

RoyaleMuzik replied Unknown
Hey man, thanks alot for the review!! Glad you like my loops, you keep liking them, i'll keep making them lol!!
CallMeKing 7th Dec 2010 21:27 - 14 years ago

on Remember by Lionel422
Veeeeeeeeeeeeery sick. This is going to work perfect in my new beat. Keep doing your thing man!

Lionel422 replied Unknown
Thanks man
CallMeKing 1st Dec 2010 04:13 - 14 years ago

on Beginnign The End Pad Synth by CelloCubano
Very sick synth!!! I love the drop at the end then it comes back, I can do a lot of effects with it. Keep making synths man!
CallMeKing 1st Dec 2010 02:25 - 14 years ago

on Oh Vancouver Strings by CelloCubano
I live in Vancouver, so thank you for dedicating a loop too it! It does remind me of strings in the anthem for the Olympics, very well done. Keep doing your thing man!

Comments 1 - 25 of 43