i am just starting to explore your loopuniversum and i am glad that i found this fantastic good harmonica solo. I used it in my new video at http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=OfsvME5-cuk which is about the Aquarium in Berlin.
Well, these loops are incredible good and i did not hesitate to combine them with eshers wonderful poem "I Wish I Could Sit Here Forever". Thanks a lot for posting.
on New School Synth by RadiumX
on hells bike by Dj4Real
on Dance Arp Synth by RadiumX
on guitar and organ by MosReQuest
on hip hop beat 3 by Tiltedbeats
my track with your beat is just uploaded. It is called "Little Innocent Hip Hop Groove".
on hip hop beat 3 by Tiltedbeats
on hip hop groove 2 - added vox by Tiltedbeats
i just uploaded a track based on this groove and with Jersey acapella Momma Luv Me. Hope you like it as i do.
on hip hop groove 1 by Tiltedbeats
i just tried this and other of your loops. My daughter will never again say, that i am not able to make a hip hop track. Great loops.
thanks mate,
if it helps, it helps, aye!!
on Slap harp in D 01 by SLAPJOHNSON
i am just starting to explore your loopuniversum and i am glad that i found this fantastic good harmonica solo. I used it in my new video at http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=OfsvME5-cuk which is about the Aquarium in Berlin.
Thanks for uploading.
on PW - Strings 6 Riff by Pete_Wain