I have listened to your version. I noticed however a dissonance in the third bar. you have used a melody which fit to a G Major Chord. It should be a G minor. If you could change it, that would be sound ok and the sad mood as well. Regrads Jens
Taken from your loop. Thanks bro. I love this type of drum and bass. I am looking for more. If you have any, especially this type, send me a link. I only want beats like this..
on Slow D-Minor mood for Guitar by jensmuse
In case you cant listen to it via soundcloud, here is the youtube link. Thank you. Hope to hear your comments on the song.
on Slow D-Minor mood for Guitar by jensmuse
Hey there. I use your awesome loop and feel free to check out the song. Thanks for the loop.
on Lagged Amen Break by Tec4
Taken from your loop. Thanks bro. I love this type of drum and bass. I am looking for more. If you have any, especially this type, send me a link. I only want beats like this..