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Than just saw your email and im send you a the song now. Perhaps you like to do a remix. Im still deciding what label (probably Mokum Records via Lower East Side Records)
I'm interested in your melodies.
Do you have things at slower tempos?
or basslines.
I Have no problem listing you as co-writer.
on Vox - Mic Hype Crowd All Night by RTRjamz
it is on my page
Hope you like it
on 128 BPM SWING EDM DRUMS 1 hihat by iamalexcaspian
it is on my page
Hope you like it
on Spectrum - DUBSTEP BUILD LOOP by HarryHockjne
it is on my page
Hope you like it
on Backwards Crash For Psytrance by Rasputin
it is on my page
Hope you like it
on KSHMR impact by ElektronicaDJOff
it is on my page
Hope you like it
on Mysterious suspense by Alayan10
Good idea Abraxas!
on Somewhere - in the future by BillyGreen
on Molto Espressivo Strings by Rasputin
on Hardcore Melody 1 by BagnareIlMicino
I want you to hear what I made from your loops... Please contact me
on Nuclear Big Bass by Fanto8BC
How can I send it to you ?
Facebook me...
Jeff abraxas porter
on Nuclear Big Bass by Fanto8BC
on Hardcore Melody 5 by BagnareIlMicino
on Hardcore Melody 5 by BagnareIlMicino
Than just saw your email and im send you a the song now. Perhaps you like to do a remix. Im still deciding what label (probably Mokum Records via Lower East Side Records)
I'm interested in your melodies.
Do you have things at slower tempos?
or basslines.
I Have no problem listing you as co-writer.
on who are you by adamms
I used WHO ARE YOU inna song.
how do i get it to u
on Hardcore Melody 5 by BagnareIlMicino
Your melodies are M A D.
I used almost of them in one track.
would you like to hear it?
Any more?