Wow, nailed it. I had no clue you had made this. LOl or even the other ones for that matter. Awesome! Mabey A remix is in order.
Man I heard this melody in another users track and I was thinking to myself man I know that melody. I wrote that melody. WTF? I couldnt figure it out for the life of me. lol
Pretty cool man. If I get time I think I might take the riffs you rcorded and incorporate them into the track myself.
Almost picked this for round 2 until I noticed it was your loop and you are in round 2. Lol, anyway nice loop. Sounds cool. What did you use to create it?
Thanks Coney. hehe. I used Subtractor in Reason. It was actually sequenced at 140 bpms, then slowed to 100 by time-stretching. Appreciate the feedback.
Nice! Dude could you send me the drums broke down? Like,...send the bass drum you used and the snare and so on. If so that would be great! Im going to DL this drum loop and build something around it.
Haha, do I? Well, I am a good ole suth'n boy afterall.
As for the other, yeah, that's how I work usually. Take a break, come back & do a bunch, take another break. I'm about to upload some more stuff here in a few. Later on!
on pocket love by Cufool
on guitarjocks repeating melody part Fam Loop by guitarjock
Man I heard this melody in another users track and I was thinking to myself man I know that melody. I wrote that melody. WTF? I couldnt figure it out for the life of me. lol
Pretty cool man. If I get time I think I might take the riffs you rcorded and incorporate them into the track myself.
on Bells Melody Glitched by siensystem
on frm hot piano line selfmade by DustHill
on Sweet Addictive Drums Beat by Xarnor
on Chilled Drums by JDOT2006
on noise tri sequence by Dj4Real
on Good Gravy Marlene by DonnieVyros
As for the other, yeah, that's how I work usually. Take a break, come back & do a bunch, take another break. I'm about to upload some more stuff here in a few. Later on!
on organ ol skool by Dj4Real