Hi, I would like to make the hole album with your riffs. I started just with an sample for you to imagine how it would sound. Later I would sing to it. If you like the idea, write me and we could talk about more. I am drummer, base player and singer.
Hi Key! A super loop, tell me if you´ve just make a song with. I would sure make one!!! We make music like Linkin Park. Your loop were a perfect refrain. Let me know!!!;-I)
Is this song complete? Do you have lyrics to it? I would complete it for you or make it a little bit other/new. If you have recorded this song yet, send me it (petrmaly13@web.de)
Oh yeah!!! Please do man! That's what these loops are for!
Umn, Well I have used these in my songs, but I am kinda always making music obsessively (i try and write a song a day)
Tell you what.. I am going to contact you, I would be happy to record some more for you!
Hi Mike, could I use this loop for my song, or you´ve just maked a song with it? I am musician too - now I make music in style of Linkin Park. Maybe you could make some loops (orchestra) for me:-)
Hi, a great loop. tell me, is it a finished song? I would like to use it - I make my own music (RNB now), I could sing to your loop, play bass, I mean I would complete it. What you mean?
Thank you very much! Can you tell me - por example this loop: Did you just make a song with it? with lead voice, rock guitars, drums? I would like do it. Tell me, please, if you´re agree.
Now I´m making a CD in czech language, but I sing some songs in english also. It will be the second project. Your loops could be very good for it.
on The whole Desert goes up in the Rays of the Sun - Riff by IfkDonkeys
how can I send you the sample?
on Acoustic guitar for Keyah take 2 by ElectronBlue
on Crystal Horizon Stutter Pad Part 1 by FlowCapn
on l23 beat by nbalazs23
on Goodbye by Reyer
on Jesus Comes Down by PunkNRebel
on my Oh my by DextDee
on Deep Tabla And Tom by mhyst
on Kill me with the synth african drums by DextDee
on Our Voices Never Touched Guitar Riff by alividlife
could I use this loop for my own song?
Thanx for answer
on Harp Loop Godiego by alividlife
could I use this loop for my song? If not, would you have some more loops in this style, that you´ve not used in your songs yet?
Umn, Well I have used these in my songs, but I am kinda always making music obsessively (i try and write a song a day)
Tell you what.. I am going to contact you, I would be happy to record some more for you!
on Grindin String loop by mike2481
on Minds Groove by FrankysDevCorner
on Hot Selfplayed Piano Riddm by DustHill
on Hot Selfplayed Piano Riddm by DustHill
Now I´m making a CD in czech language, but I sing some songs in english also. It will be the second project. Your loops could be very good for it.
on RnB Deep Percussion 01 by DustHill
my name is Petr. Could I use your loop for my song?
on Monster by Sebastian