Yo lit - can you send/post the lower part of the guitar loop without the higher guitar over it. I'll paypal you $10. My email is samwasheremusic @ gmail . com
Hey there i have a song im working on with this loop and i would love to have the guitar and organ (i think its an organ) WAV files seperated just so i can structure the song a bit better. Here's what I've got so far! https://soundcloud.com/user-224150981/ur-perfect-snip-april-319
you can send the files to my email its sam.balcom @ dal.ca (no spaces) thank you so much!
Hey bro im workin on a fye track with these drums, i would love if you could send me the individual hi hat, kick, etc files so i can build the song up properly. Yanno? you can send them to my email and I'll send you what i got so far. Its lit trust!!
on Polo G X Roddy Rich guitar type loop by Zemco
on Juice WRLD X Lil Uzi Vert - Feeling by prodbenn
on Guitar Sample - KASAT by MasimX45
you can send the files to my email its sam.balcom @ dal.ca (no spaces) thank you so much!
on LilUzi type drums by rida4
on LilUzi type drums by rida4
sam.balcom @ dal.ca
on Saw pad by JUCMusic
on Saw pad by JUCMusic
on Sunshine - Juice Wrld Type Melody by BroskiiBeats
on Sunshine - Juice Wrld Type Melody by BroskiiBeats
Send me it - ogaddictions-at-gmail.com
Ps it’s at gmail.com no dash
on super clean melody by djkhaledsson
heres the direct link:
on super clean melody by djkhaledsson
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