Had this sample in an important track for like six months just to find out it was a remake of something probably copyrighted. Appreciate that now I gotta figure something else out.
that´s the nicest thing that anyone has ever said to me! Seriously I REALLY apreciate that ;D thank you a LOT. Glad to know that my loops have an effect on people :D
Future bass and melodic dubstep have a lotta crossovers, so this could easily be implemented into a melodic dubstep track. I only labelled it as future bass because of the lfo-based volume mod. Thank you so much, by the way! I need to be more active on here.
Why not let other people use it? Just treat most of the stuff I upload here as stems rather than loops. I've been doing it that way ever since I started uploading, and although I see the logic behind releasing songs before the 'stems', I don't see the harm in doing it the other way around, since people can't really claim them as their own if it's clear that I was the one who uploaded and thus created the sounds.
on Difourks - Moombahtone Bass by Difourks
on Epic Orchestral Drums by BigTproduction
on You Better Know This One by HvlcyonOfficial
on Polish Entertainment by sbw
on Screaming Hybrid Trap Drop 140bpm Emin by KrakenBass
on Heavy Guitar Loop 4 - Buildup Drums 150bpm by Auver
on Vox 110 Bmin by dakotalocals
on Wub - Bass Only by HILITE
on Crazy snare man by TheNxrthernLyghts
on Resync Chord Loop by ytensor
on Simple Future Bass Drums by DasDimaBeatz
on Fluttering Future Bass Chords by ytensor
Love your loops.
on Robot Voices - Activation by Xenova
on Robot Voices - Embrace The Dark Side REMAKE by Xenova
on Hybrid Trap Drop 6 by KrakenBass
on Dubstep Basses Loop X - Part 1 by ytensor
on Kung Fu Dubstep Drop by OddSounds
on Nasty Reedeem Drop by OddSounds