I think I might have the version without fade in/out, but it's like a needle in a haystack.
Also, make sure to subscribe to my loop marathon: https://www.youtube.com/@looplicator
Happy new year!
this is a real smooth loop. Feeling this one so i made a trk with it like everyone else.hope you like it and keep making them loops bruh. Much appreciated. https://soundcloud.com/cold-duck-productions/on-site
I see alot of these cats dl your beats and not giving you the props you deserve.You should have more comments than this.All your trks are fiya and hell some gave me goosebumps Ha. Keep banging them beats playa you're a monster with em
on Nihirizons by looplicator
Also, make sure to subscribe to my loop marathon: https://www.youtube.com/@looplicator
Happy new year!
on breath by everlasting47
on Summer Vibes pt 2 by 310 by 310Artworks
on Twins Bells Cubeatz Murda Beatz Migos by lexrichvibes
on COMETHAZINE type really Hard 2 part LOOP by TCivs
on Summer Vibes pt 1 by 310 by 310Artworks
I think this went off well besides the rapping
on Crazy Flute x Pluck melody by YSSIBEATS
on ICE- Club banger type loop by officialspeezy
on Pierre Bourne type by Zemco
on City Girls Type Melody by NestiBeatz
on Hold Pls Drums 136bpm - GoodLowe by GoodLowe
on lil uzi vert type loop - arpshit by incepshun
on DJ Mustard Type Bassline PT 2 by NestiBeatz
on Progressive Pluck D Sharp Minor 128 by dakotalocals
on Weird Melody by Rahimi
on Weird Melody by Rahimi
on Part 4 by REX40
on Brutal Trap Drum Loop by criptonbeatz1
on Young thug x Madeintokyo piano by zomann
on Tha Margin Loop - 140bpm by Ajerutis
on Young thug x Madeintokyo piano by zomann
on Junglebass drumloop 82bpm by jaceziii
on Lazynick drum loop 8 by Lazynick
on The 4th Dimention by CYNICAL1
on Cant hide by BlacCessEnt