Please Kingslay11 can you send me your e-mail? I've done this with your samples "dope 1" and "dope 2" and i will be so proud if you could listen what i've done. ¿DO YOU LIKE RAP OLD SCHOOL?
Chat with me please e-mail on my profile.
Please Kingslay11 can you send me your e-mail i've done this with your samples "dope 1" and "dope 2" and i will be so proud if you could listen what i've done. ¿DO YOU LIKE RAP OLD SCHOOL?
Chat with me please e-mail on my profile.
on dope2 by kingslay11
Please respond to my e-mail and I will value your speed. Thanks
on dope1 by kingslay11
Chat with me please e-mail on my profile.
on dope2 by kingslay11
Chat with me please e-mail on my profile.