this is a more fleshed out version. would welcome any comments/critiques. also, with your permission, i would like to keep your original loop in the song and continue to credit you for the drums.
yo. dig it. thanks for providing some solid inspirational foundations for the making of beats. i threw together a quick cover of "what i got" by sublime with it:
on SL Drum Loop by prodbam
I made this thing with it:
on sr blues drums by Tumbleweed
on bACK to the rOOTS - Old School Hard Lofi Drums 90 BPM by Alabafruit
Still diggin' the beat. Thanks again!
on 80s Tech-Funk Groove by Rasputin
thanks again!
on 80s Tech-Funk Groove by Rasputin this is a very early rough draft of something i'm working on.
on Simple Trap Drums WITH KICK by LilSMallZ
on bACK to the rOOTS - Old School Hard Lofi Drums 90 BPM by Alabafruit
on bACK to the rOOTS - Old School Hard Lofi Drums 90 BPM by Alabafruit