im not going to use your loop just the melody i have never used audio loops ever this is for a dude to inspire a dude to sing to that why its so long and be inspired by ill do drums and bass last check out my solo
hey man you got some nice choards ,, i dont acutely use samples as audio i replay the melody so i can do the production on the mellody this is for a singer to practice and be insipred by
i used your melody not your loop ,, excuse the bass and drums ,,am only good at copying melody's not making beats i remake the mellodys so when i make beat i can give it my sound and be sure everything is in tune i think
hey man ive not listened to your whole ep but from what i've heard its good with brilliant production ,, i used to have 100's more loops on looperman but got banned for trying to delete them all when i get clearance again to upload ill be going by the name zerocrossing it takes about a year to get rights though keep making beats youve got skillz
on Lil Peep x 90s Vibe Guitar Chords by johnny808
on Lil Peep x 90s Vibe Guitar Chords by johnny808
on lenoxBeatmaker - Lea et Jules by LenoxBeatmaker
on Dark Harp Melody by topha032
on Last Wish - Electric Guitar by sharpbeats
on RMcE type vox 1 by SINExWAVE
on obey 140 by SINExWAVE
on completed 4000 loops piano melody 102 by sushilbawa
on Disturbeats 545 of 666 by looplicator
rory -- zerocrossing
on Lofi Guitar Arpeggio by YAVANE