Hi, I've recently used this sample in one of my tracks (with credit ofc). I'll leave it here for incase you wanna listen; https://soundcloud.com/clevetron/the_gangs_all_here-mp3
Love the simple and epic feel in this guitar loop
Hey! I've recently made a track using your loop (Credit included ofc). Thought I'd leave it here in case you want to hear it. https://soundcloud.com/clevetron/the_gangs_all_here-mp3
Also, love the ragtime and upbeat feel with this loop
on Hagakure by LenoxBeatmaker
Love the simple and epic feel in this guitar loop
on guitar by 62br62br
Love the simple cowboy feel of this one!
on Ragtime 1920-1930 Style Real Tune by thechockehold
Also, love the ragtime and upbeat feel with this loop