Hi, just letting you know i used your wonderful loop - megadrone drums - on my track chorus of kind, it is on the bandcamp site porter of air. Thanks!!
Philip Franklin
Hi, just letting you know I used your brilliant loop - keys drone 90 - on my track horse talking blues, it is on the bandcamp site porter of air. Thanks!!
Philip Franklin
hi, just letting you know that i used your great loop -hard ghost mane style rap drums - on my track shadow bird, you can find it on the bandcamp site porter of air. Thank you!! Philip Franklin
Hi, just wanted you to know that I used your fantastic loop, the frenzied xyllocarrilon, on a track called the knowing, which you can find on the bandcamp site porter of air. Many thanks!!
Hi, I have used your brilliant loop bee zar gee tar on the track horse talking blues on the album the legendary lost episode of spokes croon by porter of air [philip franklin], available on band camp. possibly another loop of yours on the track in widow ravine, but i have lost the source, unless it is a cutup of the above, anyway thanks so much. Philip
on Mega Drone Drums by looplicator
Philip Franklin
on keys drone 90 by sushilbawa
Philip Franklin
on The Frenzeid Xylocarillon by Fanto8BC
Philip Franklin
on Hard Ghostmane Style Rap Drums with 808 by BigTproduction
on The Frenzeid Xylocarillon by Fanto8BC
on Bee Zar Gee Tar by Rasputin