Hmm so now i see where all the big time producers of the loop have gone. To the loops section. ha Haven't seen you around in forever 9R. Busy making all these loops i guess. And this one is nice, downloaded. Might make something around it. Be sure to check me out when you can. I've got alot of new works, not loops though haha peace out
Hey Neo mate... these days i dont have 1 sec free neither for loops or songs :( .. maybe one day i can sit down and start enjoying again making track's and loops!
Holy ish i'm finding all the loops i've used in tracks a while back! your the second customer. I just found another loop i used again, but yea i used this in a track called "a heart infected with vengance." check it if you want. great loop! regards
Haha! this is the first loop i've downloaded from here that i've once again found! I used this loop on one of my tracks called "Heart infected with Vengance". check it out if you want, great loop! regards and respect
Hey man, this is a really great string loop! I've been wondering about something though, i do alot of work in reason. But I can't find a way to do melody like this or something. Most of the strings i have, just lingers. And a it's matrix sequencer works alright, But it doesn't hit "each individual note. sorry for sounding confusing. But yea so how ya do it? lol
The master of sound fx and ambient textures. This is really great planet! like a lot of your loops and fx since i first joined here, even though i was acting like a snotnose kid back then! But things change, and this is great! keep making these, you should be hired to a film company one day or something. really great!
Hey man, like your loops alot. like this one alot too. nice! ima make a beat around it and show you the goods man, good looking on the download, peace!
Im using this one alen, im going to compose a beat around it with reason. i immediately became inspired! i'll let hear the goods when its done! nice loop!
on Xyilent - Pluckusus Melodicus by XyIlent
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on Cold City by 40A
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on Melody for fast drums by Keen5003
on Squawl Base by piorra
on JUST JUMP by ZSB410
on Thrill by 40A
on dark tool by thyroid
on Electronic Blackout by ElectronBlue
Thanks for the loop! peace
on Synth waxal 2 130 by Dj4Real
on Combo flute piccolo vib 128 by Dj4Real
on Synth dark psy lead 2 140 by Dj4Real
on Piano lead 90 by Dj4Real
on Synth electra 130 by Dj4Real
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on FLee Synth Arp by DextDee
on Prayer by Alen9R
- aei i got it done, check it out bro!
When you are done,let me know or leave a track link,
I will listen and review track!