

michigan, United States
Joined : 17th Dec 2010 - 14 years ago
painlesstragedy comments on loops

painlesstragedy has posted 5 comments on other peoples loops.

Comments (5)
painlesstragedy 3rd Feb 2012 17:13 - 13 years ago

on Dubstep Loop 1 by Blackout
Dubstep is my least favorite Genra, actually...XD I like Electronica though...I just don't get it there is absolutely nothing Melodic or Genius about Dubstep it's so noisy and just terribly composed. I'm sry but I just don't see what all the fuss is about. This is like music for Lesbians and Drug Addicts in they're little Rave Clubs. Please this music is just plain homo music. I'd rather listen to the Blue Man Group or the fkin Village people than this crap music. No offense to you but the music genra. I can't stand it my little nephew always plays that crap when we are online and it gives me bad headaches and it's just miserable. I want to sleep in a bed filled with 100,000 Amazonian Poison Dart Frogs after listen to this crappy music. Oh Gawg make it stop please.
Blackout replied 7th Feb 2012 - 13 years ago
I dont listen to Dubstep^^ I actually dont like it neither.

But there is a Substyle of Dubstep which mixed with some Darkcore nd Ambience, which is used in Horror Games/Movies. Thats what I like.

You can hear it in the Story Mode of "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance" or in "The Suffering: Ties that bind" Credits.

Other than that, Dubstep is just no Music as in terms of "Composition" or "Production".
painlesstragedy 3rd Feb 2012 17:02 - 13 years ago

on Transformer Drop ALT by digitalSKYY
The only thing I feel like shooting after listening to this awful music is the DJ and then myself...XD make it stop!!!!!
digitalSKYY replied 3rd Feb 2012 - 13 years ago
Whoa! That is such an interesting concept, i have never thought of it like that!
painlesstragedy 3rd Feb 2012 17:00 - 13 years ago

on Transformer Drop ALT by digitalSKYY
I like Electronica Music however and appreciate that Genra maybe it's just not an American Thing IDK. Electronica is Melodic and complexed Dubstep just a bunch of Noise people like to listen to why they are shooting up themselves with Deadly Drugs or Swallowing some X. Cause this to me is just horrible music. The Levels are always fullblast and so gainy. What's the Art in that by the way...Shine some light on this cause all I hear is a Headache music.
digitalSKYY replied 3rd Feb 2012 - 13 years ago
Man that is the most interesting story i have ever heard!
painlesstragedy 3rd Feb 2012 16:58 - 13 years ago

on Transformer Drop ALT by digitalSKYY
I must say Dubstep is my least favorite of all music genras. :) How do you people call this music it's just a bunch of Noise from Expensive Richboy Synths...
digitalSKYY replied 3rd Feb 2012 - 13 years ago
Cool story bro:) Funny thing is, i dont own a single snyth. I create all my souns. Nice try tho!
painlesstragedy 23rd Jun 2011 05:04 - 13 years ago

on Nu Guitars 2 by MCHN
I really enjoyed your Loops, I was looking for a Track piece to fit some of the great old loops I had but I just couldn't find the tone anywhere. I think I found it thanks to you. I really Appreciate it when I'm finished with the song I will give you first listen...ok XD peace!
Comments (5)