Hi mate, Thanks for that, i might have to remove this loop due to it having mixed sounds in it. But not entirely sure if that is the issue at the moment.
Thanks brother, wifes and kids out so just filling in time doing these today. out of ideas for finishing any track, complete brain fart these past few days...it happens aye :)
Tell me about it bud, not sure how long i will keep it up. You would think people would just say a quick thanks literally takes 5 seconds. Just by doing this would give us uploaders a good sense of satisfaction that its appreciated what we do for free and to help other producers.
Cheers for taking time to write a comment buddy and all the best.
on High Wooden Drops by Nightingale
nice work
on midori alt tops by buffalonugaluss
on Justins Song Percussion by mykahc
on Industrial New Jack Swing Beat by AshwinSmith
on Koan Neurohop Drums by ToxiNN
on Electronic130bpm by dannerz
on Electronic130bpm by dannerz
on something or other kicks by buffalonugaluss
your welcome
on something or other drums by buffalonugaluss
on something or other drums by buffalonugaluss
any chance you can just do the track with just the kick drum please ?
peace ...
on drumshoot 2twospace by Negimaniak
on Summer Groove Drum Loop - 128bpm - 4bar by rossi790
New Order true faith 12" version
on Summer Latin Drum Loop - 130bpm - 4bar by rossi790
on vox drum loop - 140bpm - 4bar - side chained by rossi790
we get so many downloads but only 1% say thank you
not sure if its worth it anymore
Cheers for taking time to write a comment buddy and all the best.
Rossi790 :)
on Freelance by williusu
on Terror Techno Beat Kicks by cg5music
on drum only kicks 100bpm by yappy
i added some compression sounds great
thank you
on drum only kicks 100bpm by yappy
on drums 85bpm by yappy
perhaps you can do one just only the kick
a simple loop will do :)
on 165 beat by buffalonugaluss