Danke! Very nice atmosphere space. Cold, windy, and mysterious! Dig it! Really had fun with it in another loop project Ive been working on. If you have some free time let me know what you think about it! Thanks for sharing, Peace.
Yo! This is cool. Thanks for sharing it, good work. Heres how I used it https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/173793. Not good like others made but its my best try. Let me know if you could when u got time. Peace.
Damn! Why'd you delete it? I never even got a cahnce. I saw it at one point but the mobile version doesnt let you listen . And it seemed like it was heavily listened to from what I remember
Really nice loop, like how you built this one and it sounds great man! Really good job and thank you for sharing with us. Here is my humble mix offering using your loop along with Danke from this site. You two make a good combo, I put some of my own ideas to glue you two together, interesting outcome. Let me know what you think if you have some free time soon. Peace.
Hello Danke, Very nice loop. Dream catcher material and mental wanderings. Here is my humble offering using two loops by you, this one and fall into the rainbow which inspired the title of my contribution. Thank you for sharing with us. Hope all is well. Peace.
Octave higher that the first one, still B Posted a track with you Dusty forgotten piano loop earlier here. Raw mix. I'll get more of these bass loops up as I make them. I'm sure people love that low bass for all genres. I do :D
Yo this one is my favorite out of the similar set you uploaded. It sounds the most controlled yet strikes deeper than the other harmonicas. Excellent capture. Thanks, Peace.
Yo 40a, That is some great pad work man. Full circle kind of product, goes great for mystery themes. Liked how you hooked this one up on the flip side, gave me an idea to try.
https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/170164 - If you do check it and up to it if you could let me know how I did with using your loop in the mix. Thanks for sharing these lil gems. Peace.
Hello Danke, I like to capture weird kinda stuff and I found a lot of use from your weird material. I have something you might interested in checking out, though I warn you its the downer dave this time with a cool view this time.
Haha danke.. Liking these new guitar loops man!! Guitars sound really good on my setup, digging it my friend.
Had some ideas to mix it in another loop project and I thought it blended in rather well, a lil too good. Best example for you to hear it while its mixing with the other guitars on the track would be at the very beginning. I did not change much let me know if you can pick it out :)
Thanks for sharing Danke, Good job handshake, Dave.
Hey man, Grabbed this one around the time you first put it up, finally got to using it and I think it added nicely to the mix. I started another looperman loops project with it. Thanks for sharing, its a good loop and I enjoyed working with it.
If you have some free time soon let me know what you think of how I used your loop. Used it as a main background type of drum. Mixing a couple drums together. Keep creating! Peace.
Hello Ed, I am still enjoying working with your loops, my bad I haven't uploaded much but am trying to. I originally used both loops from this set but had an idea to try adding Juliet Starling on the 2nd half and use your 2nd piece as a 1st. ha, I know all mixed up but give it a listen when you have some spare time and let me know what you think about it. It started from your loops then ended up like this ...
Glad you could find a use for it D.I...any way you can is good...always fun to have a listen...nowthat you mention it...I haven`t thought up uploading any loops for a long tim either...its a kind of Winter sport for me haha...thanks very much for the message & link....just heading over to your place for a listen...Ed
on Ghosts by Danke
on Mobb Inn Beat - 84 by silencekills
Heres what I did with it: https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/173793
Look forward to using more of your loops, keep making it happen. Peace.
on kona coffee whiny robots by buffalonugaluss
Heres what it allowed me to do with it: https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/173793
Good work, have others I still plan to use and look forward to what you might bring in the near future. Thanks for sharing your work. Peace.
on High N Mighty by malikmanley
on It Burns Beat 02 by br0kenMach1ne
on cymatics stuff by buffalonugaluss
on Ultimate gamer by Danke
on drum stuff by buffalonugaluss
on Chill Melody by Danke
on Xyilent - Big Bass Synth by XyIlent
on Graveyard bass groove 2 B 72bpm by Burtsbluesboxes
on Helpless by Nightingale
on Scary Ambience by Rasputin
on Deep Cleanse by 40A
on funny hats beat by buffalonugaluss
on Melodic duo arp by Danke
Hope it'll be useful...
on Battle FX - DUBSTEP by OskepUS
https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/170164 - If you feel like it can you let me know what you think of how I used your loop in the mix. Keep on making these cool sounds! Peace.
on Aluminum Orchestra by 40A
https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/170164 - If you do check it and up to it if you could let me know how I did with using your loop in the mix. Thanks for sharing these lil gems. Peace.
on Scary by Danke
https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/170164. Great job as always man. Peace.
on Ascending Harmonic Minor Music Box A 140 Bpm by Burtsbluesboxes
Started from you loop. Thanks man, ill work as always from you. Peace.
on Acoustic guitar loop 2 by Danke
on Acoustic guitar loop 2 by Danke
Had some ideas to mix it in another loop project and I thought it blended in rather well, a lil too good. Best example for you to hear it while its mixing with the other guitars on the track would be at the very beginning. I did not change much let me know if you can pick it out :)
Thanks for sharing Danke, Good job handshake, Dave.
Handshake, Danke
on guitar line by Rhodesy
Heres what I made with it ... https://www.looperman.com/tracks/detail/169822
Thanks for sharin, keep on playing man! Peace.
on Hip Hop Beat by TheOfficialMagik
If you have some free time soon let me know what you think of how I used your loop. Used it as a main background type of drum. Mixing a couple drums together. Keep creating! Peace.
on 80 CleanStrat Part 2 by Tumbleweed
Thanks for the good share, Keep at it friend! Peace.