"Ifff ya gotta problem, I don't care what it is, you need a hand, I can assure you this..." I still remember the early afternoon outside a Zayre store I first heard that single... I wish Millennials and Zoomers had been around then, what an era
Wow Rilzov, are you really shipping out? Good wishes, brother. US Army brat here. Do your best to return, we need you here as much as we need you there
It reminded me of early Madonna, especially the chord inversion that happens every 7th and 8th bar... so I give you back early Madonna with a touch of Lady Gaga
Have you ANY idea how good this is? Coin toss at this point who's the best Looperman, it's down to Rasputin or you... and I cannot decide aaaaarrrrhhgggh
GREAT loop. It added just the right tension needed. How do you want to be credited and do you want split royalties on this? I'm cool with that, let's do it
Ugh, I remember all that. I encountered the same thing from every guy I knew and met back then: Band A are fag$, Band B are a buncha fag$... now in many cases they weren't exactly wrong, hahaha... but the music was en pointe and these guys should have sat and listened to it. Heaven17, Human League, Scritti especially (best quantizing game in the business). Please DO let me know if you hatch any loops in the style of these fellows. I need them for about two albums... and please, please: keep. that. Motown. coming.
I think with new Motown we are onto something. Every single I create off one of your Motown loops is becoming a HIT.
Well, I can't promise it now, and can't promise it yet, but I can definitely make that happen for you. I work at (redacted) Bros Pictures, I make pictures, and I have been looking high and low for a simpatico composer who "gets" me: 1965-1975 nostalgia with occasional Eighties references, who can replicate Carl Stalling, and replicate Neal Hefti. If I ever find that guy, and I hope I have, I have plenty of paid work soon... it may be several guys... and even if it is, you absolutely have categories one and two on lock.
Your loops always make the best songs. I have a new one for you on my track page, built entirely out of your loops! I think you'll like it! And thank you! :)
Ahhhh. The sweet sweet Yamaha DX7. I didn't know you had one! Since you do... if you get any inspiration for some Classic Eighties Warner Bros Records style loops (Scritti Politti or Madonna), send them my way please! I'm so in the groove for some! Here's a cut-and-paste song I made with a lot of what I'm looking for...
It's a modern in-the-box VSTi instrument only modeled to sound like a DX7. I never owned one... In the 80's I was always an analogue synth guy, myself.
I'm a huge Scritti fan. At Berklee, when Scritti was white-hot, I tried to get some of my fellow musician students interested in their music. But that whole British New Wave scene was NOT popular at Berklee... They all thought it was "faggy"-- all of it, Talk Talk, Human League, Scritti, Heaven 17, New Order, Simple Minds... all of it was "faggy" to Berklee students, and dismissed out of hand. They much preferred American artists like Steps Ahead, Anita Baker, EWF, MJ, Peabo, Whitney, etc.
And then, out of the blue, Miles Davis does his version of "Perfect Way". I felt SO-O-O vindicated by that.
Eyyyyyyye know what movie you got this from! This was one of my and Quentin Tarantino's favorite films to watch together (unfortunately he and I dated for a year back in the Nineties), and I plan to direct a REMAKE of THIS thing... let me know if any cue scoring on it might interest you! God what a great picture this was... some say campy... but I loved it :)
Hi Jaurieh, this is beautiful. I'm curious: you say this was made with FL Studio, but did you source it from a synth? To me it sounds so much like a DX7 (my favorite synth of all time). Was it?
on The Clap by prodbygeorge
I got the clap.
(Just kidding, brightening your day) :D
on Helpful Drumgroove by Rasputin
on Math Rock Drum Loop in Odd Time Signature by TROYVIXIOUS
music theory geek
on Math Rock Drum Loop in Odd Time Signature by TROYVIXIOUS
on Ethnic pad 1 by Prowellon
on EGuitar Reggae by Mitya13
on Gunna - Last Before The Army - Rilzov by rilzov
Watch your 6
on Edge Of Tomorrow Strings by NateJMusic
Super loop capable of so much... thank you for inspiring a song :)
on Yeah Just Dance - Bassline by BoluTheProducer
Pumping, ECSTATIC bassline. Just turned into the chorus of this song. Thank you, please create some more! Go Eighties for me if interested...
on Triumphal Synth by Rasputin
on Doperoms by 80s8
on Real Strings by thechockehold
on Vito Corleone part 2 by Stefanccino by Stefanccino
on spooky staccs by HardstyleRythm
GREAT loop. It added just the right tension needed. How do you want to be credited and do you want split royalties on this? I'm cool with that, let's do it
on 80s-Style Ballad EP by Rasputin
I think with new Motown we are onto something. Every single I create off one of your Motown loops is becoming a HIT.
on 1966 Modesty Vox by Rasputin
on Mystery Canyon by Rasputin
on Mystery Canyon by Rasputin
on 80s-Style Ballad EP by Rasputin
And thank you as always. I always dig your grooves.
I'm a huge Scritti fan. At Berklee, when Scritti was white-hot, I tried to get some of my fellow musician students interested in their music. But that whole British New Wave scene was NOT popular at Berklee... They all thought it was "faggy"-- all of it, Talk Talk, Human League, Scritti, Heaven 17, New Order, Simple Minds... all of it was "faggy" to Berklee students, and dismissed out of hand. They much preferred American artists like Steps Ahead, Anita Baker, EWF, MJ, Peabo, Whitney, etc.
And then, out of the blue, Miles Davis does his version of "Perfect Way". I felt SO-O-O vindicated by that.
on 1966 Modesty Vox by Rasputin
It would be amazing to write music for a movie.
on Accelerating Porsche by FJX
on old school x boom bap type loop - compton by officialds
on Solitude Bell by jaurieh
on Fat Accoustic Swing by TheAttic