;) Same for me... first I was unsure to upload the loop because it reminds me on Lynyrd Skynyrd 'Sweet Home Alabama'. But I think you will find these Chord Combinations in a lot of other songs.
Allen my man, If you're just learning then you're going to be kicking ass and taking names when you get to where you think you want to be. I've been looking for Chorus loops for my story that I have written for back ground music; looks like I've found it. Sorry to be so selfish but keep making them I can use them all. Cheers from Yankee Land.
Great loop if you make more vocal I could add them to my pice I am trying to finish. Seattle is a beautiful city. Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee just to name a few, Cheers Thanks again.
Great. I believe the reason it sounds so good is you are using a synthesizer and you understand music. You understand music production and recording . Danke! Mien Herr
Good job what else in this Genre do you have, I am trying to put together a track that would go with the Pulp Fiction Series I have written 2025 Silent Blade
on I dont know melody 1 by JohnJeremih
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