Whats up Jay. Just wathched the vid. That is dope Bro. Thanks for the shout out and I will be sure to pass on some more beats your way.Glad I could be part of your project. Peace. Oh. Is there a way to connect staight to you to share some beats and tracks ?
Yeah I will send it with in the week Im still adding things to it but I really didnt need to add much since the guitar quality was so high but I will Def send it to ya
on I eat em up verse beat by Boogieman0307
on I eat em up verse beat by Boogieman0307
on I eat em up verse beat by Boogieman0307
on nv 925 jam2 160 by 3rdNippleMusic
on nv 925 jam2 160 by 3rdNippleMusic
on nv 925 jam2 160 by 3rdNippleMusic
chaka !