Got your email dude, and I I will send you the outcome of what I will sing to this if I can get things to work right! I am just using this as a "sample/mix tape song" because I am not sure where to start, and I love pop music, and crunk.
Hey there! Firstly, thank you for downloading my loops! I already have 2 more loops up for download that goes with this one...If you want more than those 3, go to my page and send me a Nescafe with your e-mail address and i'll see if I have more loops to go with this one...if so, I'll e-mail them to you.-Dave K.
on Uppercut Bass by seven7sounds
on Warm Synth Strings by Cyto
on KS-Mix Distort by RoyaleMuzik
on KS-Mix Distort by RoyaleMuzik
on KS-Mix Distort by RoyaleMuzik