Just posted a lyrical ode to rock music called ChrisRock Featuring Farisha using a sample from this bass loop... I hope u like the track/flow, I appreciate the opp to collab with one on your skill level... TYVM...
Niceness on the violin, o talented one... I just uploaded a track using your loop called Hosanna... Let me know what u think, if u will... Thank u MUCH!!!
Excellent loop, to be sure... I used a portion for a track on my profile, entitled, Softly... Let me know what u think about the usage, i.e. if it meets your approval... Thank u for sharing your talents with us via looperman...
Hello, sorry for the delayed response but my friend this is not all I do beat him to the site I have had and beats it with the sound of Nexus Voice - VoiceToy Next step is Sys and Transpose 1 or 2 and up because i use keyboard but with keyboard okkey just up piano roll I mean that I've done for Looperman no other sounds just this but if you want i make for you beat with that sound my email is martinmetodievsavov@abv.bg just write and make :)
on Am Punk Bass 110 bpm 1 by d2d
on NF Violin by Nemirof
on Desert Flower Violina by Alen9R
on Sad but true by Danke
on Vox A a a a by stresta
on Seed 0811- hip hop nylon guitar 04 by SLAPJOHNSON