Hello! I've been peeking at your tracks here and I have to say, I am loving what I am hearing over all, especially this one. It's really breathtaking! Really stirs up the feels.
Love it, -Charlene
There's alot going in this track. I'm curious, what is the BPM? This is something that is high paced and that fits well with a fight scene as someone has already mentioned before. I could possibly see this in a Matrix Movie. This is different, though. I like it!
Freight train Blues! :D Love the Blues!! This is great! Maybe this is the thoughts of the engineer as he speeds along down the tracks to his next destination. Great work!! More please :D
:) !
ooh Roy it's U've commented !! now i can take a relax breath and feel safe there's a cuntrymate here ! ohh!
Roy i really appreciate your time and words. sorry i got late cause i hadn't checked emails from looperman because I didn't guess it is you .
(ps:about question you had asked in message answer is yes and i'm going to write you in private )
cool intro on the song.really like the mix of ambient sounds with a heavy electronic sound. very cool track and good productions on the track also done well.
But now, no shit, why do you insult my parents? What have they done to you? And by the way, why are you so horny, when you argue with someone?
Honestly, I've never seen or heard so many swear words at once somewhere! You have an anti-social behaviour and you are very disabled !
In my eyes you are really sick and you urgently need to see a psychiatrist and quickly as possible, hurry up, MR HUSBAND!
Your husband has written here, that he had sex- group with my parents, is it right?!!
Why don’t you protest?!
He has written also, that he would like to have oral sex with me !!
Is he unhappy with you MRS Sherris?
I'm really sorry that you're still living with such a pervert man!
I think your husband is bisexual and fetish too…
han sendeh dobarej rafti keshidi oomadi koonkoonak bazi? this is again husband answering you pander guy.you know why you think like that about me?because of what you have seen in my nighty courtships with your bitch mother and for what i have put in your mouth every nights.martikehye amalehye amali mafangi boodan dareh az akset chikkeh mikoneh.jiiigaresho dari esmeto begoo bedam hamonja too hamoon andooni bekonanet.dari lapat chizi ya oonam nanat khordeh?akheh dishab kheili vahshi shodeh bood male mano kardeh bood too halghesh migoft bezar haminja bemoneh ta man bemiram,manam didam ino ke baraye koone babat lazem daram too halghe nanat ridam.akheh bacheh kooni ageh man bacheh nadashtam ke kiramam nabood hamin farda tehran boodam koskkesh.
I tell you only in passing: you wrote in your profile:
I can play many instruments.
I can sing and write lyrics and poem.
I am also a ballet dancer.
so I'm trying to be a musician.
And what else?
You can also cook, clean and eat certainly, right?
You're a smart ass!
assho;e motherfucker this is her husband writing to you pander hick muslim . dayyoos naneh fekr kardi man oon behname koskholam ke vaisam ba amsale to ane sendeh bahs konam kharkosse ageh amsale to tooye iran be intenet dastresi daran bekhater amsale mano zaname beache koonie moo ghashang.bebin chenan midam kiramo bokhori ke nafaset band biad.az nanat bepors khatereha dare ba kire man,azash beporsi barat migeh man mikardam too koone babat darmaivordam midadam nanat mikhord.chi migi to obnei akheh bebin ageh khayeh dashti esmeto begoo az haminja midam oon shoobmool mooshito ghat konand.
I agree with "best so far". I enjoyed this very much. Better transitions and interplay than before. I would have downloaded it for my work playlist. I'm impressed, keep it up!
Outstanding track...Agree with Johnny, I don't see any place here for another instru, this is a full complete, strong and heartfelt number when the emotions are so high...
Standing ovation... :-)
Hope all is well, Danke
Nicely made, I am not sure what you expect of another instrument in here since it sounds finished already to me but I will wait and see what comes out of it ;)
Atusa U already know my ide abouT it,buT thnx for informing me abouT it . Atusa second commenT ,Dan,captain of Carole's team
is as a master to us & reading such words from him should mean alot for U . and third one '' Dudei '' is a lovely tallented musician who would be great if U please him to collab with U and he can & wants.anyway thnx for U've informed me in mail abouT uploading this & Bravo to U & Radin both.keep it on..
best wishes.____B
db our good friend ,I want to appreciate you for all questions we asked and you answered such patient and all your generous helps about this to us .and about VickyDan and Dudei .
yyyyyyuuuuup Mr Zandi , I know your friends and now I'll answer dudei yes I have listened your collaboration feat him too and I loved that .and I've known Dan too from his comments for your tracks.also as you told I pleased Attila to come and listen this too .he is very good man you were right. thanks Ben ,kisses and huge tight our good friend.
Hello dear Dudei.i am very happy to see you accept my collab request.I have listened your collab feat my friend Ben and would be honoured to collab with musicians like you.
I deleted my email adress below this and i'm witing to see your mail if you have my email , if not send me a private message .
Well tbh, I would give it 10/10 but the end upbeat melody was too short! That last point is only given when I get tingles, and this is fantastic, but not tingle fantastic. not yet anyway :).
Bravo! An absolute musical scenery .... Very unexpected, surprising too. Great audio quality and a games of percusions, that keeps pace.
I enjoyed this trip about remote lands .... Thank you for sharing this journey ....
Congratulations for your work ....
i am very happy you liked it.and thank you very much for
leting me know what you think about this .comments are really appreciated and i appreciate you for that Polyfronetic.
lol.very veru cool comment . i love you because of this hehehe.how you have count my mistakes that i have got 9 from 10?why not 10 from 10 or 8 from 10 ?
Morpheused is very tallented and I like her loops.your comment makes my day.i'm very glad to read this.i'll check your murics today or tomorrow anyway as soon as possible.
on without you by Sherris
Love it, -Charlene
on electronic jamming tree by Sherris
on electronic jamming tree by Sherris
on electronic jamming tree by Sherris
on road to blues by Sherris
on road to blues by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
All the best___Orlando
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
i appreciate.
on without you by Sherris
Great job on this.
ooh Roy it's U've commented !! now i can take a relax breath and feel safe there's a cuntrymate here ! ohh!
Roy i really appreciate your time and words. sorry i got late cause i hadn't checked emails from looperman because I didn't guess it is you .
(ps:about question you had asked in message answer is yes and i'm going to write you in private )
on electronic jamming tree by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
on Nomad by Sherris
Honestly, I've never seen or heard so many swear words at once somewhere! You have an anti-social behaviour and you are very disabled !
In my eyes you are really sick and you urgently need to see a psychiatrist and quickly as possible, hurry up, MR HUSBAND!
on Nomad by Sherris
Why don’t you protest?!
He has written also, that he would like to have oral sex with me !!
Is he unhappy with you MRS Sherris?
I'm really sorry that you're still living with such a pervert man!
I think your husband is bisexual and fetish too…
on Nomad by Sherris
I can play many instruments.
I can sing and write lyrics and poem.
I am also a ballet dancer.
so I'm trying to be a musician.
And what else?
You can also cook, clean and eat certainly, right?
You're a smart ass!
on Nomad by Sherris
on Nomad by Sherris
Standing ovation... :-)
Hope all is well, Danke
on Nomad by Sherris
on Nomad by Sherris
is as a master to us & reading such words from him should mean alot for U . and third one '' Dudei '' is a lovely tallented musician who would be great if U please him to collab with U and he can & wants.anyway thnx for U've informed me in mail abouT uploading this & Bravo to U & Radin both.keep it on..
best wishes.____B
yyyyyyuuuuup Mr Zandi , I know your friends and now I'll answer dudei yes I have listened your collaboration feat him too and I loved that .and I've known Dan too from his comments for your tracks.also as you told I pleased Attila to come and listen this too .he is very good man you were right. thanks Ben ,kisses and huge tight our good friend.
on Nomad by Sherris
if you still need a solo instrument part or something let me know and i can give it a try.
I deleted my email adress below this and i'm witing to see your mail if you have my email , if not send me a private message .
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
you are bery funny.thank you very much.
on Nomad by Sherris
Bravo! An absolute musical scenery .... Very unexpected, surprising too. Great audio quality and a games of percusions, that keeps pace.
I enjoyed this trip about remote lands .... Thank you for sharing this journey ....
Congratulations for your work ....
your comment means alot for me.merci Dan .i'm sending my appreciations for you.
on Nomad by Sherris
leting me know what you think about this .comments are really appreciated and i appreciate you for that Polyfronetic.
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
(I have some of those same loops, but you did great putting them together.)
- The Artful One (Raptor Red)
on night and day feat Morpheused by Sherris
thank you.